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Because of these accumulating difficulties, the Commission's record of achievement during the period under review has been unimpressive. The provisions of the existing policies relating to the restitution of looted property and access to technical and scientific information in Japan have been extended, policy decisions on agrarian reform and on trade-marks, trade-names, and the marking of merchandise in Japan approved, and a message forwarded to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers bringing to his attention certain points which had arisen in connection with the Commission's review of the 1946 Japanese Constitution. Following the statement in May of United States policy, the questions of Japanese reparations and levels of industry were reconsidered, but no agreed decisions have so far emerged. Of more importance has been the detailed examination of Japanese participation in international relations, a problem which has assumed significance with the impasse in negotiations for a peace treaty. Other proposals awaiting decision are those concerning civil aviation, Japanese shipping and shipbuilding, and the treatment of Japanese assets in neutral countries. The Allied Council for Japan In December Colonel W. R. Hodgson replaced Mr. Patrick Shaw as Joint Representative of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and India. The Allied Council, originally established to act in an advisory capacity, has for a number of reasons, at no time been able to make any effective contribution to the implementation of Allied policy in Japan. At the end of the year, after an extended period of complete inactivity, the Council set out to examine the problem of repatriation of Japanese prisoners of war still held in Russia. The Soviet representative, however, refused to discuss the subject, and informed the Council that he would not attend its meetings while the subject of repatriation was retained on the agenda. New Zealand Government Trade Representative in Japan During the last twelve months the New Zealand Government Trade Representative has been principally concerned with negotiations for the new trade arrangement between the sterling area and Japan, concluded in November, and with the working party responsible for reviewing progress under the arrangement. When interim reparation removals from Japan were terminated in May, the Reparations Technical Advisory Committee was dissolved. The Trade Representative has, however, continued to represent New