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Head Office Investigations.- Investigation reports on the Whakamaru power project and tne Waitaki Station extensions were completed during the year, and the Atiamuri investigation report brought to virtual completion. The hydrological aspect of several projects under construction, also future developments, has received special attention owing to the importance of this work in hydro-electric development. Design General The Hydro-electric Design Office started the year under review with rapidly increasing commitments which were taken up on the assumption that the additional staff required would arrive m time. H Replies to an initial advertisement for engineers in the United Kingdom were so tew that only two out of the total of seventeen required were recruited A revised advertisement was then put out, with much better response. However, there is considerable doubt as to the number of applicants that will accept offers of positions as salaries are not sufficiently attractive and accommodation is so difficult to obtain ' t JtZ mean ? me ' a first sta S e of offi ce extensions was completed and occupied in June, 1949, and the remainder is now about to be commenced. In July, 1949, the State Hydro-electric Department set'out a revised programme of completion dates for power-stations, timed to keep pace with the anticipated growth of load. Commitments have so far been taken up as timed on the programme but the design teams are increasingly under-strength and it has been necessary to halt design work on one project (Whakamaru). If the staff position does not improve, the progress of works will be affected because there is little margin of time between the production o± plans and their execution in the field. In collaboration with the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research the Hydraulic-model Laboratory at Gracefield has been brought into being ; models for Whakamaru and Roxburgh are in preparation. Every work now undertaken is subjected to architectural study both as regards the over-all aspect and as regards details of arrangements and finishes and fittings • e J eai ' Dr - J - L - SaVage ' an eminent American consulting engineer" was invited by the Government to visit and report on aspects of hydro-electric work in New Zealand. After a six weeks intensive tour he left on 16th November 1949 In his report he expressed his opinion that design work was being satisfactorily handled but put forward certain suggestions and preferences. Power and Lake-control Projects Work has been in hand during the year on the following projects, given in the order of their state of design : (1) Kaitawa power project and Waikaremoana Lake control. (2) Pukaki Lake control. (3) Tekapo power project. "* (4) Maraetai power project. (5) Cobb Power-station extensions. (6) Roxburgh power project. (7) Whakamaru power project. (8) Waitaki Power-station extensions. (9) Tekapo Lake control. Kaitawa Power Project and Waikaremoana Lake Control—The remaining design work undertaken has included the Waikaremoana Spillway, the Kaitawa jet disperses, and various details m the intake and gate shafts, together with the general follow up of the leak sealing of Lake Waikaremoana. *