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APPENDIX C ANNUAL REPORT ON PUBLIC WORKS BY THE ENGINEER-IN-CHIEF The Engineer-in-Chief to the Hon. the Minister of Works. Sir I have the honour to submit the following report on engineering works completed and in progress during the year ended 31st March, 1950 : EAILWAYS Auckland Metropolitan Railways. —Sir William Halcrow and Mr. J. P. Thomas, two English experts, the former in engineering and the latter in transportation, were engaged by the Government to report and make recommendations concerning alternative proposals dealing with the problem of passenger transport in the Auckland metropolitan area. They visited New Zealand towards the end of 1949, and completed their investigations and submitted an interim report before leaving the Dominion in November. It was agreed that their final report should be made upon their return to London. Although this had not arrived by the end of the year under review, advice was to hand that it was in course of transit to New Zealand. During the year, field-work required for the purpose of the report was carried out. Paeroa-Pokeno Railway. —The fencing of a portion of the reserve (238 chains) has been carried out, and 456 ft. of 12-in.-diameter culvert pipes have been installed. Twenty private crossings have been formed and metalled. The existing formation was maintained throughout the year. Edgecumbe-Murupara Railway. —The permanent-line survey of 30 miles 26 chains of this railway was completed during the year. This completes the survey to 35m. 26ch with the exception of a 5-mile gap through the heavy plantation, on which work is now in hand. The work still remaining consists of borings to ascertain the amount, if any, of rock which will be encountered in the formation, and the survey of a number of level crossings and small road deviations where roads cross the line of railway. Plans of 30 miles of fine have been drawn and are being checked and traced. Putaruru-Reporoa Railway. —W T ork on the 19-mile section from Putaruru to Kinleith (Wawa Road) has continued. Formation, platelaying, and ballasting (except final lift) have been completed to Lichfield, at sm. 15ch. Platelaying and final lift ballasting are being undertaken by the Railways Department. The target date for the opening of this section to traffic is June, 1950. Ahead of Lichfield, formation is complete except for several rhyolite cuttings and the fillings over two large mass-concrete arched culverts. These are now the key to completion to Kinleith. During construction a wet volcanic pug was met with in several cuttings. This held up progress for a time and, the material being unsuitable for use in banks, had to be run to waste ; other suitable material had to be borrowed to complete the banks. The permanent-line plans for the whole of the Putaruru-Kinleith section have been completed.