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Stone-dusting.—Work under this heading was continued during the year. The number of samples taken from the Liverpool Colliery and analysed was 504. In addition, 208 samples from co-operative mines and 128 samples from other State coal-mines were also analysed. Underground Workings.— Anderson Dip Section : Three pairs of miners engaged in reopening old roadways and extracting pillars. The bottom 6 chains of James Dip have been sealed and flooding of this area is taking place. Two pairs of miners reopening or splitting for new roadway to extract pillars, Kennedy's Dip. It was found to be too costly to reopen level to prove fault in Kennedy's Dip as the proving of this fault can be done from the Morgan Seam below. Kimbell East: One pair of miners opening up old No. 1 Bank in preparation for pillar-extraction, or, if future prospecting proves worth while, Eamage's Seam, a block of coal between the Kimbell and Top Mine, could be worked from this bank. Kimbell West : Four pairs of miners extracting pillars in old fire area, The dip section has been worked out and is being flooded. Morgan. West Rise : Pillar-extraction is taking place by two pairs of miners in No. 3 Bank, three pairs in No. 2| Bank, and one pair in No. 2 Bank. Morgan West Level : The driving of this level has been continued in stone with to crossing a known fault to allow of prospecting above and below by boring. However, the width of faulted ground has been extensive and it is not practical to bore until more settled strata has been reached. Morgan West Dip : Both East and West Levels are in good coal, thickness of coal in West Level approximately 14 ft. Thickness of coal in East Level—7 ft. coal on roof, 1 ft, stone and 12 ft. to 14 ft. coal on floor. Four pairs of miners developing. A prospecting dip off East Level, after being driven approximately 4 chains, flattened and appears to be rising. This place is stopped at present whilst a return airway is being driven, thickness of coal, 10 ft. Morgan East Dip : Top Panel finished and sealed. No. 1 Panel : 1 pair of miners extracting pillars. No. 2 Panel: Three pairs of miners extracting pillars. The east side of this panel has been driven on to a fault. Boring is being carried out in this area and so far two holes have proved a 5 ft. and 4 ft. seam in each hole at approximately the same depth—l 34 ft. Coal appears dirty. Two pairs of miners developing East Heading in dirty coal which is expected to improve. West Level Morgan East Dip : Six pairs of miners developing. Thickness of coal 20 ft, to 25 ft, Gust's Dip 4-a Section : Three pairs of miners developing. Thickness of coal, 20 ft, East Level Main Dip 4a : One pair of miners developing. This level has been driven approximately 12 chains, the last 2 chains in dirty coal, 3 ft, dirty coal on roof, 2 ft, stone and 3 ft, 10 in. coal on floor. West Level 4a Main Dip : Two pairs of miners developing. Thickness of coal, 20 ft. Main Dip 4a : This dip has been driven a further 4 chains, grade 1 in 2, thickness, 20 ft, At present one pair of miners employed putting a cut through for air whilst the dip face, which is very gassy, is standing. Strongman Colliery Goal-winning. —The gross output for the year was 97,248 tons 14 cwt., an increase of 12,061 tons 9 cwt. when compared with the figures for the previous year. After allowing for waste (2,492 tons 14 cwt.) and the quantitv used on works (496 tons), there remained for disposal a net output of 94,260 tons.