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Taking into account the stocks at the beginning and end of the year, the following statement shows details of the coal disposed of during the year : Ist April, 1949 Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt qr. Stock in bin and yard .. .. 49 14 3 Add net output for year . . .. 4,420 0 0 4,469 14 3 31st March, 1950 Less stock on hand .. .. 21 15 3 Less stock on dump .. .. 85 0 0 lO6 15 3 Total disposed of .. .. .. 4,362 19 0 Disposals Tons cwt. qr. Shipped .. .. .. .. 408 14 3 ' Railed to Canterbury, &c. .. .. 3,780 16 0 Railway sales . . . . .. 8 8 1 Local and mine sales .. .. 137 0 0 Sales to workmen and free issues . . 28 0 0 , 4 3 3 62 19 0 The gross output of the colliery since, its acquisition by the State on 21st March, 1949, totals 4,404 tons. Days Worked. —The colliery worked 239 days out of a possible 240 ordinary workingdays. The difference is accounted for as follows : 1 day, tribute to late P. C. Webb. Employees. —ln connection with coal-winning, the average number of persons employed in and about the mine was 20 men, made up as follows—Underground : Coalhewers, 6 ; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 12. Surface : 2 men. Coal-hewers' Average Daily Earnings. —The coal-hewers' average daily earnings (gross) were £3 os. 7d., and after deducting stores (explosives) their net return was £2 18s. Id., an increase of 4s. 6d. when compared with the previous period. Daily Output. —The average daily output was 18 tons 13 cwt. and the coal-hewers' average daily output was 3 tons 8 cwt. 1 qr., as compared with 8 tons 6 cwt. 3 qr. and 5 tons 17 cwt. 1 qr. respectively for the previous period. The total number of hewer shifts for the year was 1,251. Deficiencies. —There were no payments made under the minimum-wage clause during the year. Accidents. —No serious accidents were reported at the Central Colliery during the year. Stone-dusting. —This work was carried out regularly in the dry portions of the mine. Underground Workings. —The output was obtained during the period from sinking on the North Development Dip, the driving of necessary cut-throughs to the return and the extension of return headings. Dip Extension : The North Dip was extended 274 ft. for the period in coal of variable quality containing stone intrusions. The seam showed a thickness of 12 ft., but at one stage thinned to 4 ft. Two development levels have been extended north-east for a distance of 5 chains with the necessary cut-throughs for ventilation. These levels are to serve as intake and return for the proposed panel sections, and it will be necessary to drive a further distance of approximately 5 chains before the first panel will clear the adjoining lease. The coal is of a friable nature, and the seam maintains its normal height of 12 ft. A new return section, 850 ft. in length, has been driven to byepass a badly fallen portion of the old return known as Clark's Level. The byepassed section was then sealed off.