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Slant Dip (Middle Section) : Six places are being developed on two shifts. The main developing levels have been driven to a point 20 chains from the Main Slant Dip The mam level is standing on a fault in the meantime. The coal is good quality 7 ft. to 8 ft. thick. This section only requires to be driven another 6 chains to be in line with the Old South Dip which was stopped a long time ago when the coal-seam thinned and became unworkable. Slant Dip (Bottom Section) : Seven places are being developed on two shifts. The mam developing levels have been driven to a point 40 chains from the Main Slant Dip. The main level is standing on a fault in the meantime, and development is being carried on in panels to the rise. This section only requires to be driven 9 chains to be in line with the Old South Dip. The coal is good quality 8 ft. to 9 ft. thick. East Dip : Seven places are being developed on two shifts in the top seam. The top seam was picked up at a point 10 chains from the dip top. The Main Dip and Return Dip have been driven in the top seam 16 chains. An area is being developed in a northwest direction. The developing levels have been driven 7 chains, and a panel is being opened up on the rise of the seam. The coal is good quality 7 ft. to 8 ft. thick. No. 6 Drive : This drive is being used as an additional intake air-course. Transport : Arrangements are in hand to install a belt-conveyor system of haulage, from the bottom of the Slant Dip to the surface. I have, &c, J. Hadcroft, District Manager.

The Manages, Wilton State Colliery, Ngaruawahia, to the Under-Secretary Mines -Department, Wellington. SIR 27th April, 1950. I have the honour to submit my annual report of the working of the Wilton State Colliery for the year ended 31st March, 1950. Output.— The gross output for the year was 87,199 tons 10 cwt., being a decrease of 6,282 tons 11 cwt. when compared with the previous year. After allowing for waste (1,188 tons 10 cwt.), and coal used on works (761 tons 11 cwt.), there remained for disposal a net output of 85,249 tons 9 cwt. Taking into account the stocks at the beginning and end of year, the following statement shows details of the coal disposal during the year : Ist April, 1949 Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt, qr. Stock in railway wagons . . . . 109 0 0 Net output for year .. .. 85,249 9 0 85,358 9 0 31st March, 1950 Less stock in railway wagons . . . . 8 0 0 Total disposed of .. :.. .. 85,350 9 0 Disposals Tons cwt. qr. Railed .. .. .. .. 45,897 18 0 Eailway sales .. .. .. 38,223 5 0 Local and mine sales Sales to workmen and free issues .. 1,229 6 0 ■ —- 85,350 9 0