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The acquisition of the Linton property has considerably extended the scope of opencast mining in the Ohai field, and an area at present under investigation holds out promise of being suitable to opencast mining operations on a large scale. GENERAL While opencast mining was responsible last year for over 26 per cent, of the total coal production, considerable scope for expansion of this type of mining still remains. At the present time new projects capable of large-scale production in all the major coalfields with the exception of Grey are either in the process of development or under investigation. Surveys and drilling operations are being continued in the search for additional opencast areas, and every effort will be made to expand this form of mining to the utmost.

OUTPUT A comparative statement of outputs for the last two financial years is shown hereunder :

* Mine ceased operations (worked out) in June, 1949. t Mine commenced operations in April, 1949. t Operations in No. 1 area completed in December, 1949. § Mine acquired on Ist May, 1949. :1 Mine acquired on 21st March, 1949, *i Mine commenced operations on 4th October, 194> ! .


Output, 1949-50. Output, 1948-49. Percentage Percentage Mine. Variation in Gross Variation in Net Gross. Net. Gross. Net. Output. Output. Tons. Tons. Tons, Tons. Kamo 58,847 56,807 50,096 50,072 + 13-48 + 13-45 Kemp's Opencast*.. 12,125 12,125 68,084 68,084 Hillerestt 48,253 48,253 Kimiliia Opencast^ 35,953 35,953 78,340 78,340 Wilton .. 87,199 85,249 93,482 90,985 -6.-72 -6-30 Mangapehi 38,119 37,225 38,190 36,210 - 0-19 + 2-80 Tatu 38,229 36,400 30,800 29,535 +24-12 + 23-24 Waitewhena Opencast 39,199 39,199 42,932 42,932 - 8-70 - 8-70 Denniston 76,203 66,045 75,904 66,320 + 0-39 + 0-41 Millerton 51,972 51,599 59,318 58,874 -12-38 -12-36 Stockton Mine and Opencast 196,968 191,551 214,933 209,741 - 8-36 - 8-67 Burke's Creek 19,284 18,907 20,462 19,612 - 5-76 - 3-59 Garvey Creek 14,880 14,782 12,560 12,451 + 18-47 + 18-72 Burnwell§ 3,386 3,376 Centrallj 4,329 4,294 75 68 Blackball 69,860 67,635 70,785 68,574 — i-3i - 1-37 Dobson 74,276 71,748 69,121 67,230 + 7-46 + 6-72 Paparoa 31,217 30,500 27,651 26,865 !-12-90 + 13-53 Wallsend 55,840 52,780 55,953 53,868 - 0-20 - 2-02 Liverpool 100,037 97,400 93,114 90,220 + 7-43 + 7-96 Strongman 97,249 94,260 85,187 82,300 + 14-16 + 14-53 Wangaloa Opencast 41,111 41,111 45,462 45,462 - 9-57 — 9-57 Birchwood 23,695 22,790 22,524 21,633 ' + 5-20 + 5-35 Black Diamond Opencast 42,242 42,242 35,769 35,769 + 18-10 + 18-10 Mossbank 25,962 24,981 26,350 24,790 - 1-47 + 0-77 Star 40,636 39,157 34,690 33,285 + 17-14 + 17-64 McLean's Opencastf 43,690 43,690 8,728 8,728 Wairaki 65,634 60,941 66,215 61,730 -"6-88 —"i-28 Totals 1,434,395 1,391,000 1,426,725 1,383,678