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A steady output was obtained from the Garvey Creek Mine and work is proceeding .to secure coal from opencast blocks on both sides of the creek. A contract has been let for the extension of the road to the main coal-bearing areas in this field, especially substantial blocks suitable for mining by the opencast method. Grey District An increased output was secured from the Liverpool Colliery with normal mining conditions. A decision was made to defer opening a new mine at Eewanui pending results of further boring at Mount Davy and a review of the coalfield generallv. At the Strongman Mine an increase in output was recorded, with conditions underground unchanged. Steady outputs were obtained from the Blackball, Roa, and Dobson Mines under conditions those noted in earlier reports. At Wallseud, output and conditions have been normal, and the future life of the area will depend upon the outcome of the work on dewatering the old Tvneside Mine, which adjoins the Wallsend Colliery. Ohai District The Mossbank Mine continued on pillar-extraction with satisfactory results, although some spontaneous heatings have caused anxiety on occasions. Successful development work at the Wairaki Mine has been carried out under much improved conditions now that the adjoining Star Mine is also under the same ownership. Coal-winning in the Star and Birchwood Mines is confined to pillar-extraction, and increased outputs were secured from both mines. The acquisition of the Linton Coal Co.'s property by the State, and the possibility of a large area being suitable for opencast mining, may necessitate a revision of plans for underground development in the district, including the Morley project. No decision will be made until drilling has been completed, when full consideration will be given to all factors involved. OPENCAST OPERATIONS Waikato District At Kemp's, coal-production was completed in June, 1949, 239,314 tons of coal having been won. The overburden in this area was 9-665 cubic yards to each ton of coal. The financial results of this venture as shown by the accounts does not reflect the true position owing to the artificial price-subsidy structure under which these undertakings were operated in the past. As a replacement to Kemp's, the Hillcrest Opencast Mine was commenced at Glen Massey, and by May, 1950, operations were completed, 380,000 cubic yards having been stripped for a recovery of 54,282 tons of coal. At Lake Kimihia, the No. 1 area was completed last year, 250,586 tons of coal having been won in a most successful operation. A further block is now being worked, and this is estimated to contain nearly 500,000 tons of good-quality coal. During the coming summer months a complete programme of drilling on the'lake will be carried out in order to determine new opencast projects and to provide for continuity of operations. On the property of Taupiri Coal Mines, Ltd., opencast explorations have been accelerated and three areas, Thompson's, Barker's, and Devlin's, are in production and capable of producing not less than 900 tons daily when rail transport is available.