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Devlin and Party's Area, Rotowaro. —This area was under option to the Department* and it was deemed necessary to close drill to determine coal and overburden quantities for opencast purposes. Thirty-two bores totalling 1,319 ft. were drilled, and in the process it was found that because of the irregularity of the coal the spacing of the bores, was important. This area has now been thoroughly drilled and will be worked opencast. Callaghari's Dip Area, Rotowaro. —Thirty-one bores totalling 4,201 ft. have to date been drilled on the area, and drilling is proceeding. It is too early yet to give any indication of quantities of coal. Foundations, Rotowaro Workshops.—Six bores totalling 94 ft. were drilled for foundation testing at the proposed site of the new workshops for Taupiri Coal-mines. This was done with hand equipment.

Summary of Bores Drilled

SUBSIDY ON COAL-PRODUCTION Payments administered by the Mines Department for the financial year ended 31st March, 1950, from vote " Stabilization " were : £ District tonnage subsidies .. .. .. .. 2,148,395 Special subsidies on uneconomic mines operated by the State .. .. .. .. .. 430,451 Guaranteed profits (Waikato mines) .. .. .. 308,716 Administration costs (Waikato mines) .. .. 2,205 £2,889,767 ■Of this amount, £1,751,028 was in respect of State coal-mines and £1,138,739 in respect of privately owned mines. These figures are the actual payments by Treasury in the financial year. During the period the State coal-mines earned subsidies to the amount of £1,357,922, as shown in the accounts (C-2a). The difference between this figure and the sum of £1,751,028 is accounted for by the amounts owing but not paid at the end of each financial year —e.g., the special subsidy of £430,451 paid in the 1949-50 financial year was in respect of the 1948-49 financial year.


Area. J Bores. Footage. Wangaloa 3 103 Ashers Siding 22 1,133 Ohai 146 16,954 Stockton 78 9,209 Shot-holes 4,390 Denniston 20 3,525 Cable-holes 114 Reefton 4 3,501 Liverpool Mine 1 165 Strongman Mine 11 987 Tyneside .. 1 170 Dobson .. .. 4 640 Mount Davy 1 2,482 Devlin and party area 32 1,319 Kimihia 4 211 Callaghan's Dip 31 4,201 Foundations, Rotowaro 6 94 Total 49,198