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the terniites since control measures began is in many cases merely a development of colonies which were present but too small to be detected at the beginning of the control campaign. In view of the limitations of the basic scientific knowledge of the insects concerned, the degree of control over them which has been exercised by the Corporation may be considered to be satisfactory. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that once an insect such as the Australian termite has become established in any country it is unlikely that complete extermination in all localities will be possible. A campaign designed to control infestations effectively and prevent the spread of the pest as far as practicable will produce beneficial results and is well worth while. During the year the number of properties inspected and of infestations recorded up to 31st March, 1950, is as follows :

The supervision of the imports of Australian hardwoods is carried out by the New Zealand Forest Service in an endeavour to prevent the introduction of further colonies of Australian termites. This extremely difficult task has been made somewhat easier by the availability in Auckland of a pressure impregnation plant in which timber suspected of containing termites can be treated and the termites killed. A similar plant is available for the treatment of sleepers and smaller poles in "Wellington. Although the Corporation is not in direct control of the work of preventing the introduction of further infested timber, it is anxious to co-operate and assist the Forest Service in this work. Staff The Board desires to take this opportunity of once more placing on record its appreciation of the work done during the year. It has received the whole-hearted co-operation of its staff, who have maintained a high standard of efficiency. There has been no easing of the pressure under which all members have had to work in the past few years, and with the introduction of the new lending policy and the projected sale of State houses the indications are that another strenuous year lies ahead. The Board is nevertheless confident that it can rely on its staff to continue to provide efficient and loyal service both to its clients and to the Government, which looks to the Corporation to ensure that its policy is carried into effect. Board Mr. A. D. Park, C.M.G., retired from office as Chairman of the Board during the year under review, and Mr. T. N. Smallwood, 0.8. E., was appointed as his successor.


Local Body. Properties Inspected, Including Re-inspections: Total as at 31st March, 1950. Properties in Which Infestations Found: Total as at 31st March, 1950. Auckland City Council .. .. New Plymouth City Council .. .. Onehunga Borough Council Mount Albert Borough Council One Tree Hill Borough Council Mount Eden Borough Council Mount Roskill Borough Council 20,937 1,460 1,231 569 1,040 337 669 356 23 111 4 2 7 23 26,243 526