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EXPENDITURE £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Brought forward 5,030 5 6 92,389 17 5 PERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS —ctd. CIVIL LIST—continued Civil List Act, 1920—continued Part V —continued Maori Affairs —continued Food, clothing, &e., supplied to Maoris 24 5 11 Funeral and tangi expenses of Maoris .. 135 15 3 Grant for Maori welfare activities 25 0 0 Grants towards costs of improvements to Marae burial-grounds and other tribal property 50 0 0 Maori meeting expenses ' 50 0 0 Maori hostels 1,058 7 0 Sundry health and medical expenses .. 150 0 0 Water-supply, Ta Hapua 8 17 7 JLJL *J Total, Civil List 98,922 8 8 DEBT SERVICES Interest — London 3,179,256 7 0 London (paid in New Zealand) 93,807 17 0 Australia 38,698 14 2 New Zealand 13,308,197 6 11 16 619 960 5 1 Amortization of debt— Transfer to Loans Redemption Account — New Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1947— Section 11 (c) .. 470,000 0 0 Section 11 (c) .. 4,200,000 0 0 Section 14 4,513,155 16 1 Administration and management — New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, section 62 (3)— ■Stamp duty on transfers of New Zealand Consolidated Stock 25,977 7 3 New Zealand Loans Act, 1932, section61: Charges and expenses of raising and repaying loans— New issues 86,770 15 11 Renewals, conversions, and redemptions 45,935 14 2 Carried forward 158,683 17 4 25,803,116 1 2 98,922 8 8