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B—l [Pt. I]



EXPENDITURE Brought forward £ s. 7,080 0 d. 0 £ s. • 10,000 0 d. 0 £ s. d. PERMANENT APPROPRIATIONS —ctd. CIVIL LIST —continued Civil List Act, 1920 —continued Part II—continued Establishment of the General Government —continued Minister of Defence, &c.— Hon. F. Jones — Salary, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949 1,170 0 0 Minister of Industries and Commerce, &c.— Hon. A. H. Nordmeyer— Salary, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949.. House allowance, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949 1,170 0 200 0 0 0 • f Minister of Lands, &c.— Hon. C. F. Skinner— Salary, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949.. 1,170 0 0 Minister of Labour, &c. — Hon. A. McLagan— Salary, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949.. House allowance, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949 1,170 0 200 0 0 0 Minister of Agriculture, &c. — Hon. E. L. Cullen — Salary 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949.. House allowance, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949 1,170 0 200 0 0 0 Postmaster-General, &c.— Hon. F. Hackett— Salary, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949 House allowance, 1st March, 1948, to 31st March, 1948 1,170 0 Cr. 16 13 0 4 Minister of Health, &c.— Hon. M. B. HowardSalary, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949.. House allowance, 1st April, 1948, to 31st March, 1949 1,170 0 200 0 0 0 - Carried forward 16,053 6 8 10,000 0 0