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Laid on the Table of the House of Representatives


Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives Thursday, the 27th Day of November, 1947 Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, consisting, by leave, of eleven members, to inquire into the motion-picture industry in New Zealand; the Committee to have power to sit during the recess and for twenty-eight days after the commencement of the next session, at such times and at such places as the Committee may see fit, and to report to this House within twenty-eight days after the commencement of the next ensuing session of Parliament, the proceedings of the Committee during the taking of evidence to be open to accredited representatives of the press : the Committee to consist of Mr. Anderton, Mr. Bowden, Mr. Broadfoot, Mr. Fortune, Mr. T. L. Macdonald, Mr. Macfarlane, Mr. Petrie, Mrs. Ross, Mr. Walls, Mr. Wilson, and the Mover." —(Hon. Mr. Nordmeyer.) Thursday, the 15th Day of July, 1948 Ordered, " That the period set down by order of the House dated 27th November, 1947, within which the Motion-picture Industry Committee was required to present its report be extended until 30th September, 1948, to enable the Committee to complete its deliberations and prepare its report."— (Hon. Mr. Nordmeyer.) Tuesday, the 28th Day of September, 1948 Ordered, " That the period set down by order of the House dated 15th July, 1948, within which the Motion-picture Industry Committee was required to present its report be further extended, and that the Committee have power to sit during the forthcoming recess at such times and at such places as the Committee may see fit, and to report to this House on or before the 15th day of July, 1949, the proceedings of the Committee during the taking of any further evidence to be open to accredited representatives of the press."—(Hon. Mr. Nordmeyer.) Wednesday, the 13th Day of July, 1949 Ordered, " That the period set down by order of the House dated 28th September, 1948, within which the Motion-picture Industry Committee was required to present its report be further, extended until 31st August, 1949, to enable the Committee to complete its deliberations and prepare its report."—(Hon. Mr. Nordmeyer.) Wednesday, the 17th Day of August, 1949 Ordered, " That the Motion-picture Industry Committee have leave to sit during the present sitting of the House." —(Mr. Macfarlane.)