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PART ONE—INTRODUCTION Page I. Importance of Sheep-farming . .. .. .. .. ..11 11. Structure of the Sheep Industry—1. Groups of the Industry(i) The Fine-wool Producer .. .. .. .. .. 12 (ii) The Store Breeder .. .. . . . . .. 12 (iii) The Meat-producer .. .. . . . . .. 12 (iv) Inter-dependence of Groups .. .. .. 2. Factors in Sheep-farming- — (i) Breeds of Sheep Used .. .. .. .. 13 (ii) Pastures .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 (iii) Soils .. .. .. .. .. • - 14 (iv) Fertility . . .. . . .. . . .. 14 (v) Rainfall .. .. .. . . . . . . 15 (vi) Climate and Contour .. .. .. .. .. 15 3. Sheep-farming Regions—(i) North Island Regions .. .. .. .. .. 15 (ii) Characteristics of North Island Farming .. .. . . 23 (a) Changes in Farming Practices .. .. 23 (b) Main Classes of Sheep Country .. .. 24 (c) Factors in Development .. .. .. 25 (iii) South Island Regions .. .. .. .. 26 (iv) Characteristics of South Island Farming .. .. .. 34 (а) Changes in Farming Practices .. .. .. 34 (б) Main Classes of Sheep Country .. .. .. 35 (c) Factors in South Island Farming .. . . 35 4. The Sheep Industry To-day—-(i) Sheep Population .. . . . . .. 36 (ii) Carrying-capacity . . .. .. .. 38 (iii) Top-dressing .. . . . . . . .. 39 (iv) Production .. .. .. .. .. 40 (v) General Condition .. .. .. .. 40 111. Problems of the Sheep Industry—1. Production Problems—(i) Deteriorated Hill Country .. .. .. .. 41 (ii) Depleted Country .. .. .. .. 41 (iii) Erosion .. .. .. -. .. 42 2. Problems of Living .. .. .. .. • • 42 3. Local Problems .. . . .. .. .. - - 42 IV. Sheep-farming for To-morrow .. .. .. .. 42 PART TWO—RECOMMENDATIONS ON ADMINISTRATION I. General Organization—1. Present Position of the Sheep Industry— * (i) Meat Board .. .. .. .. .. 44 (ii) Wool Board .. .. .. .. .. 45 (iii) Wool Disposal Commission .. .. .. 46 (iv) Department of Lands and Survey .. .. 46 (v) Department of Agriculture .. .. .. 46 (vi) Department of Scientific and Industrial Research .. .. 4(5 (vii) Soil Conservation Council .. .. .. .. * 46 2. Organization of the Dairy Industry—(i) Dairy Products Marketing Commission .. .. 47 (ii) Dairy Bdard .. .. .. .. .. 47 3. Proposal for Sheep Industry Board—(i) Constitution , . . . . .. .. 49 (ii) Chairman .. .. .. .. .. 49 (iii) Wards .. .. .. .. .. .. 49 (iv) Ward Conferences .. .. .. .. 49 (v) Tenure of Office .. .. .. .. .. 49 (vi) First Board .. .. .. .. .. 49 (vii) Secretariat .. .. .. .. .. 50 (viii) Functions .. .. .. .. .. 50 (ix) Funds .. .. .. .. .. .. 50 (x) Proposed Wards .. .. .. .. .. 50