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There is 110 civil register of the inhabitants of the Territory. A register of adult Europeans is kept in connection with elections ; and the registration of births and deaths is compulsory. This latter work is carried out for Samoans by the pulenu'u of «ach village, and for Europeans by the Postmaster. The peoples of the Territory enjoy the same guarantees as regards the protection of their persons and property within New Zealand and its dependencies as New Zealand -citizens. No distinction is made between the rights Of men and women. C. INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL RELATIONS International Relations The external relations of Western Samoa, as a United Nations Trust Territory, are •controlled by New Zealand as administering authority. International conventions signed by New Zealand are normally extended to the Territory, wherever they are .appropriate. Some of these conventions are, however, applicable to Samoa only to a limited extent. The most important convention applying to the Territory is, of course, the Trusteeship Agreement. This was approved at New York on 13th December, 1946. As is shown elsewhere in this report, the New Zealand Government has accepted fully the responsibilities and opportunities which the inclusion of the Territory within the scope of the trusteeship system provides. The New Zealand Government is also co-operating fully with the other organs and specialized agencies to the United Nations in respect of Western -Samoa. In April, 1947, the Trusteeship Council examined a petition from the representatives of the Samoan people, and at the invitation of the New Zealand Government sent a Mission to the Territory. A complete list of international agreements applying to the Territory is given in Appendix 111. Regional Agreements South Pacific Health Service An agreement for the establishment of a South Pacific Health Service was made between the Government of New Zealand (in respect of Western Samoa and the Cook Islands), the Government of Fiji, the Western Pacific High Commission, and the Government of Tonga on 7th September, 1946. This agreement established a South Pacific Board of Health, with a Chief Administrative Officer, known as the Inspector-General, South Pacific Health Service, and headquarters at Suva. The functions of the Board are to advise the participating Administrations on health matters, to assist generally in the more effective control of disease and promotion of health in the territories under their control, and to co-operate in the provision of professional staff. South Pacific Commission An agreement establishing the South Pacific Commission was made between the 'Governments of Australia, France, Netherlands, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and the United States of America in 1947. The object of the Commission is to assist the Governments concerned with the promotion of the social and economic interests of the peoples of the South Pacific territories which they control. Up to the present the Commission has been concerned with establishing its headquarters at Noumea and acquiring suitable staff for the performance of such duties as may be decided upon. Such an establishment offers many advantages for the Territory of Western Samoa, both by the availability of expert officers and the pooling of research activities and information. A meeting of the Commission is set down for May, 1949, and it is anticipated that at that meeting a wide programme of research covering agriculture, health, .social advancement, and economic development will be adopted for the ensuing year.