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The Cook Islanders have proved themselves good workers and they have contributed materially to the much-needed supply of phosphates for both Australia and New Zealand. The following table shows the numbers and source of the workers employed as at the 31st March, 1949 : Rarotonga .. .. .. .. .. 157 Mangaia .. .. .. .. 81 Mauke .. .. .. .. ..... 52 Mitiaro .. .. .. .. .. 25 Atiu .. .. .. .. .. 30 Total .. .. .. .. .. 345 Apart from these workers, there is some population movement from the less fertile Northern Group to Rarotonga and other more fortunately placed southern islands. Quite a number of Cook Islands Maoris, principally females, go to New Zealand to domestic service or to learn trades. This migration is under supervision, and persona desiring to leave the islands are subject to examinations for health and character. B. Public Health and Sanitation Although the Cook Islands are tropical, they are fortunately relatively free from the majority of common tropical diseases. Malaria is absent, but filariasis is the major medical problem. Other common diseases include tuberculosis, acute pulmonary infections, and chronic skin-diseases. Under the provisions of the Cook Islands Act, 1915, all Natives receive free medical and surgical treatment as required. In addition, all school-children, and patients admitted to hospital, receive free dental treatment. The health services are headed by a Chief Medical Officer, and include another European Medical Officer, seven Cook Islands medical practitioners, and fourteen Mosquito Inspectors. The hospital and sanatorium staff include two European Matrons, three European Sisters, and two trained Maori nurses. The staff is distributed throughout the Group as under : Rarotonga .. .. European Medical Officers .. .. .. .. 2 Certificated European nurses— Hospital .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Sanatorium .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 District .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 4 Cook Islands medical practitioners .. .. .. 2 Cook Islands Nurse —New Zealand maternity qualification .. .. 1 Cook Islands trained nurse .. .. .. .. 1 Cook Islands nurse trainees .. .. .. .. .. 22 Dressers—Cook Islands trainees .. .. .. .. 3 Dispenser and laboratory x-ray technicians .. .. .. 2 Dentist—New Zealand qualified .. .. .. .. 1 Dental nurses—Cook Islands trained .. .. .. 2 Dental trainees—Cook Islanders .. .. .. .. .. 5 Mosquito Inspectors .. .. .. .. .. 7 Aitutaki .. .. Cook Islands medical practitioner .. .. .. .. .. 1 Mosquito Inspectors .. • .. .. .. .. 2 Mangaia .. .. Cook Islands medical practitioner .. .. .. .. 1 Certificated European nurse .. • .. .. .. .. I Mosquito Inspectors .. .. .. .. .. 2 Atiu .. .. Cook Islands medical practitioner .. .. .. .. .. 1 Mosquito Inspector .. .. .. .. .. I Mauke .. .. Cook Islands nurse—assisted by the Roman Catholic father .. .. 1 Mosquito Inspector .. .. .. .. .. I Manihiki/Rakahanga Cook Islands medical practitioner .. .. .. .. 1 Penrhyn .. Cook Islands medical practitioner .. .. .. .. 1 Pukapuka .. .. Wife of the Resident Agent—untrained .. .. .. 1 Mosquito Inspector .. .. .. .. .. 1