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Keeping these reservations in mind, let ns glance at the incidence of poliomyelitis in different types of schools, classified according to the sanitary reports. Confining attention to the Auckland urban area less the North Shore, detailed reports are available for 72 schools, totalling 29,742 pupils. The following analysis is concerned with 77 positive cases in these schools, an incidence of 2-6 per 1,000. Of the 72 schools reported upon, cases only occurred in 41, totalling 20,992 pupils, an incidence in the affected group of 3-7 per 1.000. In the following tables the incidences in the affected schools, and in the school populations as a whole, are shown separately:—

Table II—Sanitation: General Impression

Table TV—Water-closets: Boys

Table V—Water-closets: Girls


Inspector's Remarks. Schools. Roll Numbers. Cases. Incidence Per 1,000. Affected. Total. Affected Schools. Total. ! Affected Schools. | Total. Good . . No comment Bad .. 4 29 8 6 52 14 2,244 14,089 4,659 2,755 20,335 6,652 i 57 13 3-1 i 2-5 I 2-8 2-0 Table III—Hand-basins Scale. Schools.* Roll Numbers. Cases. Incidence Per 1.000. Affected. Total. Affected Schools. Total. Affected 1 Schools. Total. 1 : 30 or more 1 : 31 to 1 : 49 1 : 50 or less 9 9 12 19 17 18 4,666. 4,830 6,704 7,261 7,492 8,563 17 3-6 22 4-5 18 2-7 2-3 2-9 2-1 * Details lacking for 18 schools, including 11 affected schools.

Scale. Schools. Roll Numbers. Oases. i Incidence Per 1,000. Affected. Total. Affected Schools. Total. i Affected ; Schools. 1 Total. 1 : 80 or more 13 35 2,570 6,210 18 7-0 1 2-9 1 : 31 to 1 : 40 9 17 2,977 4,629 17 j. 5-7 3-7 1 : 41 or less 7 5 2,453 ! 4,098 15 ; 6-1 1 3-7

Scale. Schools. Roll Numbers. | Cases, j j Incidence Per 1,000. Affected. Total. Affected Schools. Total. Affected Tnt , Schools, j lotal - 1 : 15 or more .. .. j 6 18 1,555 2,878 9 5-8 3-1 1 : 16 to 1 : 20 6 21 1,557 4,140 7 4-5 | 1-7 1 : 21 to 1 : 30 3 17 1,094 4,624 3 2-7 i 0-7 1 : 31 or less .. .. .. I 7 11 2,504 3,168 8 3,2 2-5