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Following are tlie chief features of the new Act: — (a) New Zealand citizenship is acquired by birth, descent, registration, or naturalization (and also, in the- transitional period, by residence —see the next paragraph). (b) The chief classes of British subjects who "became New Zealand citizens at the commencement of the Act are those born in New Zealand, their wives and their children ; those naturalized in New Zealand ;. and those ordinarily resident in New Zealand throughout the year 1948. (c) New Zealand citizenship is transmitted automatically through the male line to the first generation born overseas ; subsequent generations born in a foreign country may retain New Zealand citizenship by registration of the birth at a Consulate, (d) Citizens of other Commonwealth countries who become ordinarily resident in New Zealand may claim New Zealand citizenship as of right after one year. In the case of wives, or minor children of New Zealand citizens there is no stipulated term of residence. In these cases citizenship is- granted by registration. (e) Naturalization now proceeds in two stages, notice of intention being given at least one year before the application proper ; and applicants are required to show knowledge of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. These are additional to the former requirements of good character, knowledge of English, and firm settlement in New Zealand. There are- easier conditions for British-protected persons and ex-servicemen. Alien- married women and minor children become citizens by registration, as. above. (/) A New Zealand citizen possessing a second Commonwealth citizenship, or a foreign nationality, may make a declaration at any time renouncing his New Zealand citizenship. If he voluntarily exercises the privileges or performs the duties of a foreign nationality possessed by him, hs may be deprived of New Zealand citizenship. The grounds on which a naturalized citizen may be deprived of citizenship remain substantially as heretofore. Aliens who served with the New Zealand Forces in World War II 'were previously granted a special form of naturalization certificate under the 1943 Act. Aliens in this category will now be issued with the standard type of certificate. During the year it was decided to resume the naturalization of Chinese nationals, and in implementation of this an accumulation of applications were preliminarily dealt with. The following table shows the number of applications granted in the various categories:— Period Ist April to 31st December, 1948 Naturalization certificates granted under 1928 Act .. .. 126 Naturalization certificates granted under 1943 Act .. , .. 7 Naturalization certificates granted to married women under 1946 Act .. .. .. .. .. 38 Period Ist January to 31st March, 1949 : British Nationality and New Zealand Citizenship Act, 1948 Naturalization certificates granted .. .. .. .. 8 Registrations of alien married women.. .. .. .. 2 , Registrations of British subjects as New Zealand citizens .. 3 Registrations of alien minor children .. .. .. 1