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For the two projected volumes on the Royal New Zealand Navy and on New Zealanders in the Royal Navy the research is well advanced. Several of the sectional narratives have been completed and good progress is being made with the writing of the main narrative. Preliminary research for the Royal New Zealand Air Force is well under way. The greater part of the narrative been completed or is nearing completion and the writing of the first drafts of the history is proceeding. Work is continuing on the medical and dental volumes, and the research for the civilian histories is also progressing well. D. Unit Histories The first of the twenty projected volumes in this series has been in the printer's hands for some months and should be published about the end of July. The printing firm handling this series has undertaken to complete the production of a second volume before the end of the year. The authors of the other volumes report varied progress. E. History of New Zealand" Contingents in the South African War This volume is with the printer. One of the chief production difficulties has been the lack of suitable photographs to illustrate the text. An appeal for the loan of photographs was made through the South African War Veterans' Association early this year. It is estimated that the history will be published about September. F. Translation of Enemy Documents material has been obtained by the translation of captured German documents lent to the Branch by the Historical Division of the United States Army. To expedite this work arrangements have been made to attach one of the Branch's research assistants to the staff of the New Zealand Embassy at Washington. XII. WAR GRAVES 1. Burials in New Zealand

The total number of burials in New Zealand recorded by the Department stood, as at 31st March, 1949, as follows :—-

These burials are distributed amongst public and servicemen's cemeteries and Maori burial-grounds in New Zealand. Of the total number of burials shown, 1,229 were cremated. A total of 1,806 deaths of ex-servicemen was registered by the Department during the year, as compared with 1,566 for the previous year. Cremations during the year showed a percentage increase over those recorded for the previous year.


— War Graves. 1 ' Non-war Graves.; | Total. War, 1914-18 4,556 13,044 17,600 War, 1939-45 1,404 935 2,339 South African veterans 1,180 Historical graves — i.e., Maori War 2,415 A Hipr! TPoTPPft X r P V Otl/luilIOj IliilCU X 1 UluuOj U.U. Total .. .. 23,534