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(c) Anti-poaching Measures. —The intensive operations against illegal taking of trout were extended to cover operations against persons committing breaches of the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921-22, and the regulations thereunder. ; (5) Absolutely Protected Birds The intensive operations referred to in 4 (c) above also covered illegal takings of absolutely protected birds, special attention being paid to the protection of the native pigeon. Fines inflicted as a result of convictions for offences in both instances amounted to £124. <(6) Taupo Waters Claims The hearing of claims for compensation by Maoris in the Taupo district in respect •of certain rivers and streams commenced at Taupo in November, 1948. Sir Harold Johnston was the Commissioner appointed to hear and determine the claims, and associated with him as assessor was Judge E. M. Beechey, of the Maori Land Court. After hearing the evidence submitted and the Crown's reply, the Commission awarded the sum of £45,600 in full satisfaction of the claims advanced. At the end of the year arrangements for payment of the sum awarded were well advanced. The award made represents the solution of a long-standing problem in connection with the administration of the Taupo Trout-fishing District. (7) Taupo Harbour Regulations As the result of representations from the Taupo Commercial Launch-owners' Association that no further licences be issued for launches to ply for hire on Lake Taupo, a committee representing the Marine, Transport, and Internal Affairs Departments, with the Secretary for Marine as Chairman, sat at Taupo in February, 1949, for the purpose of hearing evidence. The committee has reported to Government as follows (i) That in its opinion launch-owners in the area are not receiving a reasonable income from their operations ; and (ii) That the charges imposed for launch hire are on too low a scale. The committee recommended that consideration be given to the provision of legislation in respect of the licensing of launches in this area. At the end of the year the committee's report and recommendations were still under consideration. F. Southern Lakes Acclimatization District (1) The 1948-49 Fishing Season Though, in the early portion of the season, conditions were suitable and good bags of well-conditioned fish were taken, the weather during the greater part of the season was very unfavourable. Floods 'and high lake and river levels militated against good fishing and results as a whole were disappointing. It is evident, however, that fish generally are plentiful and increasing, and with better weather conditions good fishing can be had. Considerable numbers of young fish have been taken in all parts of the district, indicating that the policy of restocking these waters with fry from ova obtained from Taupo waters is resulting in a decided and increasing improvement in the fishing potentialities of the district.