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(3) Town Districts Proposals to constitute the settlement of Foxton Beach a town district, and to constitute the dependent Town District of Onerahi an independent town district, were referred to the Local Government Commission for investigation. The Commission's finding was unfavourable in the case of Onerahi, and the proposal was not proceeded with. The Commission decided to take no action in the case of Foxton Beach until certain adjustments had been made in regard to titles of property in the area. The boundaries of the Town District of Otorohanga were altered by the inclusion of an area of land previously under the control of the Otorohanga County Council. Preliminary action was also taken in regard to a petition praying for the extension of the boundaries of the Town District of Howick. Members were appointed to the Assessment Court under the Urban Farm Land Bating Act, 1932, for the Howick To'wn District. (4) Drainage Districts Preliminary action was taken in connection with a petition for the inclusion of an area of land in the Christchurch Drainage District. A member of the Board of Trustees for the Hauraki Plains West Drainage District was appointed. A trustee of the Wiri Drainage District was also appointed. (5) River Districts Following the issue of a final scheme by the Local Government Commission in terms of the Local Government Commission Act, 1946, the boundaries of the Hutt River District were altered by the inclusion of that portion of the Borough of Petone not already included in the district. Incidental provisions of the scheme provided for the subdivision of the river district into two subdivisions, comprising the Borough of as one subdivision with a representation of two members on the Hutt River Board, and the remainder of the district as the other subdivision with a representation of five members on the River Board. Legislation was necessary to enable effect to be given to these provisions, and is contained in section 37 of the Local Legislation Act, 1948. The question of the abolition of the Manawatu - Oroua River District was again prominent as a result of action initiated by the Manawatu Catchment Board. The latter Board presented a petition in terms of the Soil Conservation and Rivers Control Amendment Act, 1946, praying that the Manawatu - Oroua River Board be dissolved and that its powers and functions be transferred to the Catchment Board. In accordance with the normal procedure, the petition was referred to the Local Government Commission for consideration. The Commission held a public inquiry into the proposal, at which the River Board strenuously opposed the petition. On 26th April, 1948, the Commission issued a final scheme providing for the dissolution of the River Board and the transfer of its powers and functions to the Catchment Board. The final schemewas referred to the Department for action. During the course of the public inquiry, questions of law were raised by the River Board as to the jurisdiction of the Local Government Commission to deal with the petition under the powers contained in the Local Government Commission Act, 1946. This matter was again raised by the River Board subsequent to the issue of the final scheme, and the Department was advised by the Crown's advisers that there was considerable doubt as to the jurisdiction of the Commission to deal with the cas£ of a River Board constituted by special Act. At the same time, the River Board informed the Government that it would be prepared to go out of office on 31st March, 1950, on the understanding that the Catchment Board will have completed its classification, or nearly so, by that date. In view of the circumstances, it was decided that the whole question should stand over for further review in 1950. An appointment was made under section 6 of the River Boards Amendment Act,. 1910, of a person to hold inquiries and make awards consequent on the abolition of the-Benmore-Limehills, Winton, and Upper Winton River Districts.