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Led by Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico, the Latin American delegates insisted upon : (1) simultaneous disposal of all colonies ; (2) Italian administration over Tripolitania. The implication of this insistence was that unless there was satisfaction for former enemy State and not yet a member of the United Nations—the Assembly was unlikely to be able to take a decision of any kind. Hearings of Local Political Parties and Organizations At an early stage in the deliberations of the Political Committee it had been decided that requests of political parties and organizations in the former Italian colonies should be referred to a sub-committee of eleven (including New Zealand) which should report on the extent to which those parties or organizations represented substantial sections of opinion and on the manner in which they should be heard. On the information available it was not possible for the sub-committee to discharge this function with complete precision. Though it was obvious that several of the representatives who appeared before the subcommittee did not in fact enjoy the measure of local support they claimed, it was agreed that provided they satisfied a generous interpretation of the sub-committee's terms of reference they should be heard by the Political Committee. As a result submissions were made to the Committee by representatives of the following organizations : For Libya— The National Congress of Cyrenaica. The National Council for the Liberation of Libya. The Jewish Community of Tripolitania. The Association of Libyan Ex-servicemen. For Eritrea — The Moslem League of Eritrea. The New Eritrea Pro-Italia Party. The Unionist Party. The Italo-Eritrean Association. For Somaliland — The Somali Youth League. The Somalia Conference and the Progressive , League of Mijertein. For the three territories — The National Associations of Refugees from Libya and East Africa. As might be expected, while some appeared to greet the prospect of the restoration of Italian rule with considerable enthusiasm, others, including the Somali Youth League, the National Congress for Cyrenaica,