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Wanganui Prison (Gaoler : Mr. A. Gamble) At the commencement of the year there were 19 males in custody. During the year 95 males and 3 females were received into custody, 92 males and 3 females were discharged, and 1 male (remand prisoner) escaped from custody and was later recaptured, leaving at the end of the year a total of 22 males in custody. The main employment of the inmates is the growing of vegetables, and a plentiful supply for the institution has been maintained throughout the year. The surplus to requirements has been sold at the auction-mart. The older and more feeble inmates are employed inside the prison as cleaners and mending prison clothing. This class of occupation, being more suitable to their physical state, also permits them to have openair exercise, in the yards. Painting of the prison and prison cottages have been carried out by prison labour during, the year, but is not yet completed. The health of the inmates has been good, considering the age and class of inmates detained at this prison, many of whom on admission are suffering from disabilities of some kind. The medical officer, Dr. A. M. Earle, visits the institution once a week, and is always on call whenever the occasion arises. The conduct of the prisoners during the year was satisfactory. The quality of food supplied to the prison by the various firms under departmental contract has been very satisfactory throughout the year. Entertainment by way of educational pictures has been provided by the Department once a month. The following religious bodies have visited the prison as usual and conducted church services : Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, and Salvation Army, also the band. On Christmas Day a party from the congregation of the Church of Christ entertained the inmates to a sacred song and service programme, concluding with a very fine Christmas treat by way of fruit, sweets, cake, and sandwiches, such gifts being greatly appreciated by the inmates. The St. Vincent de Paul Society provided the inmates with a gift of cigarettes and pipe tobacco. Mr. Rogers, Visiting Justice, also made a donation of cake and cigarettes to be distributed on New Year's Day. Superintendent of Parks and Reserves for the City Council, Mr. C. Cox, also supplied the institution with flower plants. In conclusion, I desire to thank the staff for their co-operation. Wellington Prison (Superintendent: Mr. P. McGrath) I have the honour to submit my annual report for the year ended 31st December, 1948. At the commencement of the year there were 90 males in custody. During the year 904 males were received, whilst 915 were discharged or otherwise disposed of, leaving in prison on the night of 31st December, 1948, 79 males. The prison medical officer, Dr. Douglas Brown, F.R.C.S., has visited the prison regularly each week examining new admissions, &c. The greatest number of cases of sickness at any one time was 3, and during the year 9 males were sent as admissions to hospital. During the year 6 males were received suffering from venereal disease, and all these cases were gonorrhoea. All cases were treated in the prison clinic, and blood tests.