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ANNBXUEE A SUMMARY OF REPORTS BY INSPECTORS OF COAL-MINES NORTHERN INSPECTION DISTRICT (J. Adamson, Inspector of Coal-mines) Summary of Operations op Each Colliery for the Year 1948 North, Auckland District Kamo State Colliery (J. Hadcroffc (First Class), Mine-manager).—All coal from this mine during the year was produced on development from what is known as the Slant Dip and East Dip Sections. Two seams are being worked. The Slant Dip Section is in the top seam and the East Dip Section in the bottom seam. Doel's Dip Heading in the Slant Dip Section was advanced a distance of 28 chains from the Main Slant Dip haulage road. Development was changed from the dip to level course with the intention of forming a panel to the rise. Eight working-places were on production. A new section on level course was commenced during the year at a distance of 24 chains from the top of the Slant Dip and on the south side. Five places were developing in this area. The average thickness of coal in the top seam is 12 ft. In the East Dip Section solid work was completed approximately 13 chains from the Main Dip haulage. Bad roof and heaving floor made conditions extremely difficult. During the latter part of the year production was obtained by splitting and robbing pillars by 8 pairs of miners. Complete extraction was avoided so as not to interfere with the working of the top seam at a later date. No. 6 Stone Drive was completed, and intercepted the old workings, adjacent to the old west side drive, at a distance of 530 ft. from commencing-point at the surface. During the year alterations were made to the bathhouse and improvements were being made to the tip head arrangements. A double road was laid from the tip head down the main haulage dip and the haulage changed from the single- to double-drum system. The handling capacity was increased almost two-fold. One hundred and thirty-two men were employed underground and 25 on the surface. Cunningham's Opencast, Hikurangi (C. E. Cunningham (Permit), Mine-manager).—Two men were employed recovering by opencast methods small pillars left in by previous underground mining. Prospects are not very encouraging. Kiripaka Coal-mine (H. Pawson (Permit), Mine-manager).—Only a small output was obtained from this mine at the beginning of the year. The mine has now closed down. Wa ikato Distr ic t Pukemiro Colliery (S. R. Eyeington (First Class), Mine-manager).—The output from this colliery was won from the North and South Mine areas. In the North Mine, pillar-extraction continued with 9 pairs of colliers. Production is now restricted to two small sections-r-namely, No. 1 Left and No. 2 Left respectively. South Mine Area: Taupiri Section: Pillar-extraction was_ continued by 11 pans of miners. Extraction was concentrated at the inbye portion of the section to effect speedier extraction and so avoid as much as possible the effects of flooding which occurs during the winter months. Good results have been obtained. South Straight Section : Development work by 5 pairs of miners reached a distance of 19 chains from the main heading. Owing to faulty ground on the right side of the development heading it was only possible to open up a small second panel on this side. Development of a panel to the left has now been commenced into an area beyond the Taupiri Section old workings. Middle Section : Pillar-extraction in the Nelson's Jig and Carlson's Jig Sections was completed during the year. Six pairs of miners are now engaged on pillar-extraction in two small areas on the inbye side. This extraction will eventually cut Home's Dip Section off from No. 2 right haulage road. Alternative access to Home's Dip from No. 1 right haulage road is well in hand. Home's Dip Section : Pillar-extraction by 3 pairs of miners was continued under very difficult conditions. Excessive crush on pillars has resulted in coal being lost in the goaf. Heavily fallen bords "outbye the working-places were the sources of several heatings, which also added their quota of difficulties to the production of coal from this section. No. 1 Right Section : Pillar-extraction by 12 pairs of miners was continued throughout the year with satisfactory output figures being achieved. The work of reopening an old stone drive giving access to an old section to the right of No. 1 right haulage road was pushed on whenever labour was available. Four chains of roadway have been recovered to date. Two hundred and twenty-six men were employed underground and 67 on the surface. Renown Collieries, Ltd. (T. Geddes (First Class), Mine-manager).—The output was won principally from No. 1 Drive mine area, production from the New Mine area being suspended for the greater part of the year.