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Albania 1. Exchange of notes respecting commercial relations.* Signed at Durazzo and Tirana 10 June 1925 ; effective 10 June 1925 ; terminable after three months' notice. The exchange of notes does not apply to New Zealand, but productsand manufactures of the self-governing dominions, India, colonies, possessions, protectorates and mandated territories are granted most-favoured-nation treatment on terms of reciprocity. U.K.T.S. No. 47 (1925); S.P. CXXI, 737; Handbook 12; L.N.T.S. XLIII, 81. 2. Extradition treaty. Signed at Tirana 22 July 1926 ; ratifications exchanged 29 January 1927 ; terminable after notice not exceeding one year and not less than six months. Extended to New Zealand (under article 17) by exchange of notes at Durazzo 8 March 1928. Extended to Western Samoa (under article 19) by exchange of notes at Tirana 16 March 1928. U.K.T.S. No. 20 (1927) ; S.P. CXXI, 737; L.N.T.S. LXVII, 165; L.N.T.S. LXXXIII, 444, 448. Argentine Republic 1. Treaty of amity, commerce and navigation.% Signed at Buenos Aires 2 February 1825 ; ratifications exchanged 12 May 1825. Under article 4 most-favoured-nation treatment on basis of reciprocity is operative. S.P. XII, 29 ; Handbook 15 ; Hertslet 111, 44. ' 2. Treaty for the mutual extradition of fugitive criminals.% Signed at Buenos Aires 22 May 1889 ; ratifications exchanged 15 December 1893 ; terminable after notice not exceeding one year and not less than six months. S.P. LXXXI, 1305 ; Hertslet XIX, 94.