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but, significantly, not mentioning separately the United Kingdom r 1 His Majesty The King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India [Names of five representatives] And for the Dominion of Canada, by [Names of two representatives] for the Commonwealth of Australia, by [Names of two representatives] for the Union of South Africa, by [Names of two representatives] for the Dominion of New Zealand, by [Names of two representatives] for India, by [Names of two representatives]. Thirdly, the Annex to Part I of the Treaty, which set out the original members of the League of Nations, used the following form which seems to imply that the British Empire is the United Kingdom: British Empire Canada Australia South Africa New Zealand India As to ratification, the United Kingdom proposed that since Dominion Ministers had participated in the peace negotiations His Majesty (acting presumably on the advice of his United Kingdom Ministers only) might ratify the treaty on behalf of the British Empire without further consulting the Dominions. The Dominion Governments disagreed with this proposal, however, maintaining that signature by Dominion plenipotentiaries was not equivalent to the tendering of advice to the King by Dominion Governments to ratify the Treaty. The United Kingdom Government acceded to the Dominion point -of view, with the result that ratification, on behalf of the British Empire as a whole, was not effected until the Dominion -Governments had obtained the approval of their Parliaments. At the Imperial Conference of 1923 the procedure followed in the recent negotiation of the Lausanne Treaties was subjected to considerable criticism. These treaties were

1 The Imperial Conference of 1926 resolved that this practice " while suggesting that the Dominions were not on a footing of equality with the United Kingdom as participants in the treaties in question, tends to obscurity and misunderstanding and is generally unsatisfactory." It therefore recommended that the members of the British Commonwealth on behalf of which future treaties (in Heads of State form) were signed should be grouped to show separately Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate members of the League, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Irish Free State, India. A specimen form of treaty, as recommended, appears as an annex to the Report of the Conference. See pp. 13, 14, and 18 of the Report of the Imperial Conference 1926 (App. H.R., 1927, A-6).