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(iii) To prescribe and give effect on just terms to requirements as to the ownership of existing and future investments ; (iv) To prescribe and give effect to other reasonable requirements with respect to existing and future investments ; (d) The interests of Members whose nationals are in a position to provide capital for international investment and of Members who desire to obtain the use of such capital to promote their economic development or reconstruction may be promoted if such Members enter into bilateral or multilateral agreements relating to the opportunities and security for investment which the Members are prepared to offer and any limitations which they are prepared to accept of the rights referred to in subparagraph (c). 2. Members therefore undertake : (а) Subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 (c) and to any agreements entered into under paragraph 1 (d), (i) To provide reasonable opportunities for investments acceptable to them and adequate security for existing and future investments, and (ii) To give due regard to the desirability of avoiding discrimination as between foreign investments ; (б) Upon the request of any Member and without prejudice to existing international agreements to which Members are parties, to enter into consultation or to participate in negotiations directed to the conclusion, if mutually acceptable, of an agreement of the kind referred to in paragraph 1 (d). 3. Members shall promote co-operation between national and foreign enterprises or investors for the purpose of fostering economic development or reconstruction in cases where such co-operation appears to the Members concerned to be appropriate. Article 13 Governmental Assistance to Economic Development and Reconstruction 1. The Members recognize that special governmental assistance may be required to promote the establishment, development or reconstruction of particular industries or branches of agriculture, and that in appropriate circumstances the grant of such assistance in the form of protective measures is justified. At the same time they recognize that an unwise use of such measures would impose undue burdens on their own economies and unwarranted restrictions on international trade, and might increase unnecessarily the difficulties of adjustment for the economies of other countries. 2. The Organization and the Members concerned shall preserve the utmost secrecy in respect of matters arising under this Article.