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Chapter IV—Commercial Policy—continued Page Section B. Quantitative Restrictions and related Exchange Matters— Article 20. General Elimination of Quantitative Restrictions 32 Article 21. Restrictions to safeguard the Balance of Payments 33 Article 22. Non-discriminatory Administration of Quantitative Restrictions .. .. .. .. 37 Article 23. Exceptions to the Rule of Non-discrimination .. 39 Article 24. Relationship with the International Monetary Fund and Exchange Arrangements .. 42 Section C. Subsidies — Article 25. Subsidies in General .. .. .. 44 Article 26. Additional Provisions on Export Subsidies .. 44 Article 27. Special Treatment of Primary Commodities .. 45 Article 28. Undertaking regarding Stimulation of Exports of Primary Commodities .. .. 46 Section D. State Trading and Related Matters — Article 29. Non-discriminatory Treatment .. 47 Article 30. Marketing Organizations .. .. .. 48 Article 31. Expansion of Trade .. .. 48 Article 32. Liquidation of Non-commercial Stocks .. 49 Section E. General Commercial Provisions — Article 33. Freedom of Transit . . .. .. .. 50 Article 34. Anti-dumping and Countervailing Duties .. 51 Article 35. Valuation for Customs Purposes .. .. 53 Article 36. Formalities connected with Importation and Exportation . . .. .. .. 54 Article 37. Marks of Origin .. .. .. .. 55 Article 38. Publication and Administration of Trade Regulations . . .. .. 56 Article 39. Information, Statistics, and Trade Terminology .. 58 Section F. Special Provisions — Article 40. Emergency Action on Imports of Particular Products .. .. .. .. 59 Article 41. Consultation .. .. .. ..60 Article 42. Territorial Application of Chapter IV .. 60 Article 43. Frontier Traffic .. .. .. .. 61 Article 44. Customs Unions and Free-trade Areas .. 61 Article 45. General Exceptions to Chapter IV .. 63 Chapter V —Restrictive Business Practices— Article 46. General Policy Towards Restrictive Business Practices . . .. .. 65 Article 47. Consultation Procedure .. .. .. 66 Article 48. Investigation Procedure .. .. .. 66