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aßOßnmßKHemmm sa It will be seen that the method consists essentially of the following operations (i) Any current month is linked by the standard twhnimio j. the regulating period. The year 1946 will be used as the regulatin^eSfor^tLZrnosf , in « This movement contains no seasonal variation, but trend only. g PP (11) A trend has to be estabhshed between the months of the ree-nlaf-ino- t 4.x. ssr<co^£ g^ ' straight line trend » over the months of period 7 * ' cnrrent month from a feKl <»* :: sIS=hsSSBS£S: <Vl> T^eSjtrn^ f^r^2 lo^anrmon t Tb P^ CiPleS f™?~ (D the ( ,„. o!^JZ"^^^:Xt ; inove^ViZL^J OWl t""tf* t0 Tary seM< "' commodities comprised in the seasonal group. to a greater range of the By a further refinement a separate valni of t may be computed for each commodity, thns / t \ 1 Pl2 PIS Pll 1 1 = (say) sV + + 3 I IPo Pi P t J __ j fP 12 ,P' 13 P' 14 ~ 38 i ~7 I &c., in which case o P'i p\ f{m) ■ ™ , and /(I) qmPm l + (m-l)t g&pa, 2 A l + (a-l)t x £'hP i ur + a qmPm. 2 v 1 ~f~ (w \)t Note. The subscript 0 denotes the month immediately preceding the month J. Approximate Cost of Paper.-Vreparation, not given; printing (788 copies), £lOO. Price Is.] B} Authority : E< V - Patjl > Government Printer, Wellington.— 1948.