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APPENDICES Appendix A.—Detailed List of Groups op Commodities and Services Represented in the Index Consumer Expenditures at 1948 Prices. 1 pnnn £ (000) £(000) 1. FOOD .. .. .. .. 82,392 Meat (beef and *veal; mutton and *lamb ; pork, ham, and bacon ; sausages and offals ; fcanned meat; jpoultry) .. .. 16,559 Fish (fresh fish; smoked fish ; canned fish ; fshell-fish) .. .. 2,099 Fruits (apples, pears, quinces; berries; stone-fruits (peaches, plums, apricots); oranges ; lemons ; other citrus fruits ; bananas ; canned fruits ; dried fruits) .. .. .. .. 6 514 Vegetables (potatoes ; onions ; carrots, parsnips, swedes, beetroot; pumpkin; tomatoes; cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, silver beet, lettuce ; peas, beans ; other fresh vegetables ; canned vegetables ; dried vegetables) . > .. .. .. 7 894 Eggs .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,'389 Dairy-produce (milk, fresh ; cheese (hard and *processed); butter) .. 13,647 Cereals (flour ; *cornflour ; bread ; pastry, cakes, buns, biscuits, &c. ; oatmeal and *rolled oats ; breakfast cereals) .. .. .. 10,312 Other Groceries (sugar, *icing-sugar, golden syrup, *treacle and honey ; jam and marmalade ; tea, coffee, cocoa; condiments (*pickles, sauces, vinegar, spices, salt, &c.); baking and custard powders ; sandwich spreads and f essences ; milk, condensed and *dried) 11,542 Meals, Restaurant, three-course.. .. .. .. .. 4,117 Drinks, sweets, &c. (aerated waters ; cordials ; confectionery ; icecream) .. .. .. .. .. . 7 319 2. HOUSING rented houses; rented flats; owner-occupied houses ({return on capital; {depreciation; maintenance; rates; insurance) .. .. 38,766 3. FUEL AND LIGHTING (coal; coke; electricity; gas; firewood; fcandles; matches) .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8 603 4. CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR .. 44,997 Clothing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 38,226 Men's (outerwear ; underwear ; night-wear ; sports-wear ; other apparel). Women's (outerwear ; underwear ; nightwear; fsports-wear; other apparel). Boys' (outerwear ; underwear ; night-wear ; sports-wear ; other apparel). Girls' (outerwear ; underwear ; night-wear ; fsports-wear ; other apparel). Babies' (outerwear ; underwear ; material; wool). Footwear .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 6,771 Men's (boots ; shoes ; sandshoes ; slippers ; repairs). Women's (shoes ; sandshoes ; slippers ; repairs). Boys' (*boots; shoes: sandshoes; gum boots; sandals; ' repairs). Girls' (shoes ; sandshoes ; gum boots ; sandals; repairs). Babies' (shoes; slippers). 0. MISCELLANEOUS—(a) Household Durable Goods .. .. .. .. .. 12,776 Appliances (electric washing-machine; vacuum cleaner; sewing-machine; jug; iron; toaster; radiator) radio; lawn-mower ; wringer .. .. .. .. 2,862 Furniture (suite; tallboy, sideboard, &c. ; tables; chairs; bedstead, mattress, pillows, &c. ; other furniture) .. 2,801 Floor-coverings (linoleum, congoleum, &c. ; carpets ; feltex) .. 1,378 Household Drapery (blankets; sheets, *pillow-cases; towels, tea-towels) .. .. .. .. .. .. 2,150 Hardware and Crockery (tools (including garden tools); cleaning equipment; enamel and aluminium utensils ; cutlery, &c.; crockery; glassware; electric-light globes) .. .. 3,031 Infants (perambulator; baby's cot) .. .. .. 554 * Represented by certain items in list of commodities and services priced. t Represented by groups of items in list of commodities and services priced. J Not priced.