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CONTENTS Preface .. .. .. . Page Chapter I—lntroductory .. .. '.. 3 Chapter 2—Definition of the Index Chapter 3—ltems Covered by the Index Chapter 4—Geographical Coverage of the Index 'n Chapter s—Collection of Prices .. .. g Chapter 6—Method of Weighting ...... 2q Chapter Compilation and Publication of Group and All Group Index Numbers 15 Chaftbb B—Seasonal Changes .. .. . # jg Chapter 9—Base Period of the Index .. 16 Chapter 10—Description of Group Index Numbers—(a) Food .. .. .. _ (b) Housing .. .. .. .. "" 18 (c) Fuel and Lighting.. .. .. .. 19 (d) Clothing, Drapery, and Footwear .. .. .. jg (e) Miscellaneous Items .. .. .. 19 Chapter 11—Summary of Recommendations .... Chapter 12—Conclusion .. .. .. "" 23 APPENDICES A: Detailed List of Groups of Commodities and Services Represented in the Index with Expenditure at Retail Prices on Those Items in 1948 .. .. ' '>4 B : List of Commodities and Services to be Priced with Weights !! '*' ' 25 C: Method of Population Weighting .. .. 33 D: Compilation of Index of Housing Costs .. .. 35 E: Method of Compilation of Fruits and Vegetables Sub-groups Index .. "36 F : Treatment in Index of Seasonal Items (with Use of Symbols) .. .. 37 K