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(d) External Non-scheduled Services The following is a summary of non-scheduled services for Tasman Empire Airways, Ltd., for the year ended 31st March, 1948. With the exception of those figures in parentheses, these operations were carried out by other companies under charter to Tasman Empire Airways, Ltd.: — Trips .. .. .. .. .. 16 (2) Hours flown .. .. .. .. 94* (16) Miles flown .. .. .. ..21,664 (2,640) Passengers .. .. .. .. .. 568 (55) Freight (lb.) .. .. .. ..10,913 (432) * Partially calculated. Aircraft employed on these services were — Short Sunderland (S. 25). Constellation. Skymaster (D.C. 4). SECTION lII.—AEEO CLUBS During the year four additional clubs commenced activities, bringing the number operating at 31st March, 1948, up to twenty-two. The operations of these organizations during the year may be summarized as follows : (a) Training Aircraft in use .. .. .. .. .. 101 Pupils under instruction at 31st March, 1948 .. .. 647 Hours flown .. .. .. .. .. 26,592 Membership— Associate .. .. .. .. .. 2,868 Flying 2,728 (b) Commercial Hours flown .. .. .. .. .. 3,459 Miles flown .. .. .. .. .. .. 348,711 Number of trips .. .. .. .. .. 6, 721 Passengers carried .. .. .. .. .. 11,819 The types of aircraft used by the clubs are— D.H. 82 Tiger Moth. D.H. C. 1 Chipmunk. . Percival Proctor. D.H. 83c Fox Moth. Eearwin. D.H. 90. Miles Whitney Straight. D.H. 94, Miles Magister. Percival Vega Gull. Miles Gemini. Taylor Cub. Auster. Waco. Beechcraft. V SECTION IV.—AERADIO SERVICES At the end of July, 1947, the majority of the executive positions in the Telecommunications Section of the Airways Division were filled, many of the officers appointed having held similar positions in the R.N.Z.A.F. The staffing of this section coincided with a substantial increase in commercial airline activities and with the introduction of many new features in civil aviation telecommunications. This was fortunate in some respects, but presented many problems, due to the urgent need for communications