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is, in general, distributed to selected farmers in suitable areas with a view to its further multiplication under the Department's certification scheme. The following table sets out the extent of operations during 1947 : Seeds produced under Contract during 1947 t- •j- r o Quantity of Purchase Value of V ariety of Seed. Seed pro / ucecL geed produced . £ Perennial rye-grass .. .. 3,313 bushels 5,503 Italian rye-grass .. .. .. 2,540 bushels 2,064 Short-rotation rye-grass .. .. 3,124 bushels 2,655 Montgomery red clover .. .. 2,5671b. 638 White clover .. .. .. 4,8221b. 1,005 Cow-grass .. .. .. 700 lb. 114 Lucerne .. .. .. 2,390 lb. 444 Oats .. .. .. .. 983 bushels 247 Rape .. .. .. .. 16,7031b. 432 Peas .. .. .. .. 533 bushels 400 Lupins .. .. .. .. 90 bushels 52 Swede .. .. .. ' .. 57 lb. 4 Maize .. .. .. .. 826 bushels 599 Seed Certification. —The volume of seed handled under the Department's certification scheme is very satisfactory. More than two-thirds of the perennial rye-grass, shortrotation rye-grass, brown-top, white clover, Montgomery red clover, rape, turnip, swede, and onion seeds produced in New Zealand is either certified or Government approved. The following table shows the quantities of seeds certified during 1946 and 1947 : Seed. 1946. 1947. Perennial rye-grass .. 550,675 bushels 1,015,804 bushels Italian rye-grass .. 284,288 bushels 178,941 bushels Short-rotation rye-grass .. 48,449 bushels 174,443 bushels Cocksfoot .. .. 477,961 Ib. 469,317.1b. Brown-top .. .. 773,2091b. 563,939 Ib. Timothy .. .. 25,0201b. 6,725 Ib. White clover .. .. 3,654,3261b. 3,182,936 Ib. Montgomery red clover .. 927,8341b. 519,3441b. Cow-grass .. .. 141,4791b. 303,607 Ib. Subterranean clover .. 4,2411b. 34,337 Ib. Lucerne .. .. 3,0501b. 2,1941b. Seed wheat .. .. 39,820 bushels 98,963 bushels *Seed maize .. .. 1,207 bushels 806 bushels Rape .. .. .. 311,9181b. 487,2221b. *Turnip .. ~ 5,4991b. 9,3101b. *Swede .. .. .. 424,1731b. 295,255 Ib. Chou moellier .. .. 41,633 lb. Onion seed - .. .. 10,478 Ib. 5,0001b. Seed potatoes .. .. 7,651 tons 6,799 tons * This seed is termed " Government approved." A further marked increase in the production of short-rotation rye-grass seed under certification has taken place, and this, to some extent, may account for the falling-off in the production of certified Italian rye-grass seed. The production of certified cocksfoot seed has been well maintained, despite the appreciable falling-off in the total amount of this seed which has been harvested.