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The Commission has been asked by several of the national associations of local authorities to attend their annual Conferences and discuss with the Conferences the general work of the Commission. These visits have been of great value to the Commission and have developed that spirit of co-ordination and co-operation which the Commission feels is essential to the successful conclusion of its work. The relationship between the Commission and the Department of Internal Affairs, the Department charged with the administration of the various Acts involving local authorities in the Dominion, has been close and cordial. Many Government Departments have during the course of the year assisted the Local Government Commission in its work, and we desire to pay a tribute to the assistance which these Departments have given to the Commission not merely in its public inquiries, but also in relation to its general administrative responsibilities. The Commission further desires to express its appreciation of the services rendered to it by the Secretary and staff. In conclusion, we desire to say that our whole aim is to provide a local-government structure for New Zealand which will be in keeping with the economic and social progress which the country is making and which will also preserve those inherent democratic rights which are basic of all real progress. F. B. Stephens, Secretary I. J. Goldstine, Chairman. April, 1948. W. C. E. George, Commissioner. J. W. Andrews, Commissioner. G. A. Monk, Commissioner.

Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, not given; printing (1,008 copies), £6O.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, "Wellington.—l94B, Price 9d.[