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ACTION TAKEN BY THE ORGANIZATION TO ACHIEVE THE AIMS OF FAO Postwar Food Crisis A conference called by FAO at Washington in May, 1946, resulted in the setting up of the International Emergency Food Council. This council, consisting of representatives of 34 nations, which meets at FAO headquarters and is staffed by FAO, allocates available exportable surpluses according to the needs of different countries. Under the present agreement it should terminate at the end of 1947. As acute shortages of certain essential foodstuffs will continue at least until the summer of 1948, international agreements on allocations of exportable surpluses should continue until the harvest of 1948. The council has recommended that it should continue to perform its present functions until that time, unless a permanent council of FAO, as envisaged in the Report of the Preparatory Commission on World Food Proposals, is set up by the FAO Conference and is given this duty. Long-term Problems A Commission appointed by the Copenhagen Conference to consider the proposals submitted in the document entitled " Proposals for a World Food Board " met at Washington from 28 October, 1946, to 24 January, 1947, under the Chairmanship of Viscount Bruce. The report of the Commission, which was unanimous, has been circulated to governments. It recommends the setting up of a permanent World Food Council, or Council of FAO. The United States of America has submitted an amendment to the Constitution to enable the proposed council to become part of the structure of FAO. This, with a statement by the Executive Committee, has been circulated. The United Kingdom and Australia have also submitted recommendations for a change in the Constitution with regard to the appointment of members of the Executive Committee. The Conference will consider and reach decisions on these recommendation s.

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