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Two films were rejected outright In the first instance and 1 was subsequently reconstructed and passed for exhibition. One appeal was lodged against rejection, but the Board of Appeal, after viewing the picture, dismissed the appeal. An analysis of the work shows :

Quota Films : Countries of origin of the quota or feature films examined were as follows : Great Britain, 52 ; Australia, 2 ; United States of America, 281 ; France, 14; Russia, 2 ; Austria. 1. General Remarks: During the year, as compared with the previous year, the number of films in which excisions were necessary was 93, as against 114; the number recommended as more suitable for adults was 151, as against 131, and the number considered to be definitely unsuitable for children was 17, as against 32 in the previous year (1946-47). Miniature films showed an increase—viz., 83, as against 51 in the previous year — while 324 certificates were issued for 16 mm. prints, copies of standard films (features and featurettes) which had been previously released. British quota films submitted for censorship over the whole year showed a substantial increase—54, as against 34 in the previous year —while foreign quota films showed a decline—29B, as against 319 in the previous year. The increase in British pictures is probably due to production now getting into its stride since the termination of the war. Publicity matter relating to 308 films (features) covering posters, stills, slides, &c., was examined during the year, as against 343 films in the previous year. Only some minor amendments were necessary. B. Licensing of Cinematograph Operators One hundred and four new applications for provisional and assistant operators' licences were considered, as compared with 96 for the previous year. Thirty-six new provisional licences and 78 new assistant operators' licences were issued. Since the coming into force of the Cinematograph Operators Licensing Regulations 1938, 1,390 operators and 966 assistant operators have been licensed. C. Exhibitors' and other Licences Licences issued under the Cinematograph Films Act for the year ended 30th September, 1947, were as follows : Exhibitors .. .. .. .. 465 (481) Itinerant exhibitors .. .. .. 24 (23) Renters .. .. .. .. 19 (14) Storage .. .. .. .. .14 (9) Miscellaneous .. .. .. .. 17 (12) The figures in parentheses are the corresponding ones for the previous year.


Origin. Quota or Long Films. Non-quota or Short Films. Number. Length. Number. Length. British Foreign Totals 54 298 Ft. 488,070 2,531,070 578 599 Ft. 670,000 556,450 352 3,019,140 1,177 1/226,450