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Other Departments In the absence of qualified professional officers, only routine supervision of collections in botany, geology, history, decorative arts, and technology has been carried out. Recommendations regarding staff requirements have, however, been prepared. The Management Committee and Director have discussed the policy of developing a Technological Section, a matter which depends very largely on prospects of obtaining additional exhibition and storage space. Library Miss E. C. Millar took over the routine library duties in April and has been engaged mainly in making up arrears of cataloguing and foreign exchanges. Office Office routine in a Museum involves specialized requirements, and here, as in other departments, it is hoped that removal to convenient quarters will make it possible to provide additional assistance for Miss S. M. Mulholland. Servicing Departments Good service under difficulties has been rendered by workshop, boiler, and cleaner staff. General Although this report lists mainly research and routine activities, all members of the staff have been engaged in planning and preparing the display of exhibits, in order that no time may be lost when at last it is possible to move into the galleries. W. H. Price, Chairman. R. A. Falla, Director.

WAR MEMORIAL CARILLON : REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1948 Carillon Management Committee Messrs. E. E. Muir (Chairman), L. T. Jacobsen, E. C. Hale, W. M. Page, J. C. Osborne (Secretary). The Management Committee has pleasure in reporting that recitals, by automatic playing, have been given on battle anniversaries, national Saints' days, public holidays, and on Sundays throughout the year and that the standard previously achieved has been maintained. As the battle anniversary dates are solely those for the First World War and it is proposed that the National War Memorial when completed shall be representative of the service and sacrifice in both the First and Second World Wars, complaints have been received from ex-servicemen that dates for the Second World War are not included. This is a matter that must arise in a more pronounced form sooner or later, and the Management Committee considers that when the four larger and the eight smaller bells are added commemorating the Services that fought in the Second World War the battle anniversary dates should be revised so as to include those of the later struggle.