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The collections have been sent also to Wairarapa College and the Girls' High School, New Ply-mouth, and in both cases the exhibitions have been made available to the students of the other secondary schools in the district. Visits of school parties in Wellington and the other centres have been fewer than usual owing to the poliomyelitis epidemic, and the circulation of the reproductions was suspended during the third school term of 1947. Talks on art and demonstrations have been given at the Gallery and other institutions and a talk on British craftsmanship broadcast. Articles have been prepared for a number of publications. Centennial International Art Collection Mrs. Murray Fuller reported from London that the Centennial Collection has now been dispersed and the works placed with the various owners. Exhibitions The following exhibitions were held at the Gallery during the year : (1) French reproductions up to the time of Manet. Recent acquisitions. (2) The autumn exhibition of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. (3) Reproductions illustrating impressionism. (4) Paintings by Official War Artists, 1914-18. (5) British Council's Exhibition of British Rural Crafts. (6) The annual exhibition of the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts. (7) Selection from the National Collection. Reproductions of drawings by the Old Masters. Wakefield Collection At the request of the High Commissioner for the United Kingdom, the Committee agreed to organize the showing throughout New Zealand of the British Council's Wakefield Collection of contemporary British water-colours, drawings, and prints. The arrangements have been made in consultation with Mr. John Bostock, New Zealand representative of the British Council. The exhibition will open at the National Art Gallery during August. Press The Committee desires to record its thanks and appreciation for the valuable support and publicity given by the press in connection with exhibitions and other activities. G. G. Gibbes Watson, Chairman. S. B. Maclennan, Director. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DOMINION MUSEUM MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1948 Museum Management Committee Messrs. W. H. Price (Chairman), W. L. Fitzherbert; Drs. H. H. Allan, P. Marshall, C. G. Morice, E. Beaglehole, L. R. Richardson, W. R. B. Oliver; Mr. H. C. McQueen. During Dr. Oliver's absence from Wellington, Mr. R. A. McLennan acts as his alternate on the Committee.