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ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 1948 The report for the year ended 31st March, 1948, is presented herewith. The Trustees met on three occasions and the Building and Finance Committee held two meetings. Obituary The death on 22nd September, 1947, of Mr. E. D. Gore is recorded with great regret. Mr. Gore was appointed to the position of Secretary to the National Art Gallery at its inception, and later was made Secretary-Manager. During his long period of service he rendered loyal and valuable service. National Art Gallery : Director and Secretary Mr. S. B. Maclennan (formerly Education Officer) was appointed Director of the National Art Gallery, and Mr. R. D. Gore was appointed Secretary to the National Art Gallery, on Ist May, 1948. Dominion Museum : Director Dr. R. A. Falla, M.A. (Ed.), D.Sc., took up his duties as Director of the Dominion Museum on the Ist November, 1947. General The reports of the three Management Committees are attached hereto and indicate continued activity in their respective spheres. The work of restoration of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Building in Buckle Street has been proceeding. The interior demolition work has been completed, and since the close of the year a contract has been let for the main restoration work. It is hoped that the building will be completely restored and made available to the public by the beginning of 1949. The Lecture Hall and Royal Society's rooms are now in full use. The Art Gallery has continued to function in the temporary gallery in the D.I.C. Building, Lambton Quay, Educational work has been carried out continuously both by the Museum and by the Art Gallery personnel, in addition to the routine activities of both institutions. A number of pictures have been purchased for the national art collection and the collections of pictures and exhibits have been augmented by gifts and bequests. The T. G. Macarthy Trust Board made a grant of £2OO for purchase of pictures and for educational purposes. The Board records its grateful appreciation to the donors. Recitals on the Carillon by the automatic playing-apparatus have been regularly carried out, and it is' pleasing to note that excellent reports have been received of the progress in tuition in Belgium of Mr. Selwyn Baker, who was granted a special bursary by the Rehabilitation Board to enable him to qualify for the position of Carillonist. Proposals for enlargement of the Carillon by the installation of additional bells and the completion of the Hall of Memories are still under consideration. Members of the staff of the three institutions under control of the Board have continued to render loyal and efficient service. The Board records its appreciation of the increased financial support received from the Government, and continued financial contributions received from the Wellington City Council, Wellington Harbour Board, and other local bodies in the Wellington District; also of assistance received from the New Zealand Academy of Fine Arts, the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Wellington War Memorial Carillon Society, and others ; and also extends its thanks to the press for valuable publicity. The annual accounts are appended hereto. P. Eraser, Chairman. F. H. Bass, Secretary,