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It is with great regret that I have to record" the death, in September, of Mr. J. McGregor Wilkie, who had been a member of the Board for many years. With his qualifications as a harbour engineer and by his keen interest in the Station and never-failing readiness to help, his services to the Board were of very considerable value. Since May, 1946, he also acted as Treasurer. The employment of a marine biologist as a permanent member of staff is much to be desired. It is to be hoped that in the near future it will be possible to provide means for re-establishing this position, which had to be eliminated in 1931 during the financial depression, for without a biologist attached to the Station its facilities cannot be fully utilized nor its proper purpose fulfilled. With the substantial increase of recent years in the number of New Zealand workers in other science it is a remarkable fact that this Dominion, surrounded by seas that are teeming with unelucidated fishery and other biological problems, should still be so peculiarly lacking in proper provision, and consequently in personnel, for the pursuit of this important branch of scientific research. I have, &c., A. E. Hefford, Chairman of the Board.