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Nelson.—The total quantity landed, 10,040 cwt., shows an increase again this year. Of this total, that landed by Danish-seining, 2,098 cwt., shows a drop of 550 cwt., due probably to the fact that only two of the four Danish-seiners fished by that method for the whole year, the other two changed to trawling during the year. The annual totals for the various methods of fishing during the past five years are given below: —

Exports and Imports Imports of fish for the year amounted to 32,160 cwt. of canned fish such as herring and 2,615 cwt. of fish otherwise preserved, with a total value of £387,309. The total value of New Zealand fish and shell-fish exported in 1947 was £358,218, which represents an increase of £126,984 on the previous year's figures of £231,234. Totals for the principal classes of fishery products exported for the past three years are given below :

The following table shows the incidence of the principal kinds of fish exported during the years 1945, 1946, and 1947 :

A more detailed report than the above figures is given in Table IX.


— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1940. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed 3,833 5,541 6,372 7,078 10,040 Danish seine 3,250 2,714 3,081 2,648 2,098 Trawl (motor) 93 878 1,888 3,260 7,574 Lines (motor) 475 1,936 1,138 1,043 363 Other methods 15 13 265 127 5

Quantity. Value. 1945. 1946. 1947. 1945. 1946. 1947. Oysters, fresh Fish, frozen Crayfish, frozen Fish, smoked, dried, &c. Fish and shell - fish (canned) Total values .. 640 doz. 22,663 cwt. 1,346 cwt. 4,276 cwt. 371,776 lb. 85,400 doz. 27,698 cwt. 1,487 cwt. 2,602 cwt. 450,0441b. 950 doz. 41,800 cwt. 2,335 cwt. 4,384 cwt. 649,565 lb. £ 18 104,046 6,462 26,390 50,465 £ 2,819 139,065 7,455 15,277 66,618 £ 27 235,079 17,140 27,533 78,439 187,381 231,234 358,218

Quantity. Value. _ 1945. 1946. 1947. 1945. 194G. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. £ £ £ Blue cod 7,644 8,236 15,311 38,682 42,605 91,251 Red cod 3,255 1,407 574 3,255 4,518 3,049 Barracouta 2,369 4,825 3,354 8,883 18,164 13,221 Sole 2,207 3,334 4,243 11,452 17,974 25,204 Tarakihi 1,037 1,886 5,819 4,895 10,740 33,302 Flounder 947 901 754 5,374 5,308 4,801 Snapper 752 844 2,797 1 4,244 5,584 17,113