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Auckland#. —A total of 142,304 cwt. of wet fish was landed at Auckland. This represents a very slight increase of 898 cwt. over the 1946 total of 141,406 cwt. The 37 Danish-seine boats accounted for almost two-thirds of the total, their catch being 90,824 cwt., which was a slight drop from their total last year of 96,990 cwt. The proportion of snapper landed by this method was very close to that of last year, the weight this year being 67,757 cwt., and last year 70,964 cwt. Two steam-trawlers operated the whole year, and a third commenced fishing in September. These three vessels landed a total amount of 45,309 cwt. Last year, with only two steam-trawlers-operating, the total amount landed was 36,964 cwt. Motor line-fishing boats landed 2,998 cwt., compared with 3,097 cwt. for the previous year, and the netting boats. 3,050 cwt., compared with 4,125 cwt. in 1946. The annual totals and the annual quantities of the four main varieties landed at Auckland over the past five years are given below :

Thames. —-The total this year, 13,035 cwt., shows recovery from the declining totals since 1944, the increase this year being 2,211 cwt. over last year's figure. Netting boats landed 12,152 cwt., of which 5,030 cwt. was snapper and 4,307 cwt. flounder. The methods of capture and the annual totals landed at Thames during the past five years are given below

Tauranga.—An increase of 670 cwt. is shown by this year's total (7,086 cwt.) compared with 1946 (6,416 cwt.). The one Danish-seine vessel fished for nine months and landed 1,526 cwt., as against 364 cwt. for four months' fishing last year. The total catch for motor-trawlers decreased from 2,579 to 1,817 cwt. The tables below summarize the methods of capture and kinds of fish respectively during the past five years :—-


— 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Cwt. Total quantity landed 103,882 111,078 122,789 141,406 142,304 Snapper 75,153 79,844 81,706 93,792 101,470 Tarakihi 12,128 18,289 23,965 27,788 22,285 Flounder 5,489 1,857 2,047 1,457 3,036 Gurnard 1,361 3,206 5,570 7,370 6,199

Method of Fishing. 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Danish seine .. .. Set-nets and drag-nets .. Other methods .. .. Totals .. .. .. 1 2,229 15,545 528 1,273 18,361 57 582 16,483 180 9,552 1,272 12,152 883 18,302 19,691 17,245 10,824 13,035

Method of Fishing. 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Danish seine Motor-trawl Set-nets and lines Cwt. 2,518 7*028 Cwt. 2,907 7,578 Cwt. 418 1,783 5,258 Cwt. 364 2,579 3,473 Cwt. 1,526 1,817 3,743 Totals .. 9,546 10,485 7,459 6,416 7,086 1943-44. 1944. 1945. 1946. 1947. Total quantity landed Snapper .. .. ... Tarakihi Trevally Kahawai Cwt. 9,546 4,032 29 1,826 649 Cwt. 10,485 4,152 1,057 2,509 732 Cwt. 7,459 2,513 1,289 1,219 1,070 Cwt. 6,416 1,459 1,917 1,091 1,029 Cwt. 7,086 2,021 1,998 777 681