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Number of Ret;. Name. Members, No-, December, 1947. CLERICAL WORKERS. (See also Tally Clerks, &c, and Sugar Workers) — continued 1507 Wellington Legal Employees 385 1637 Wellington Public Accountants' Employees 329 1759 Wellington Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Workers 530 1764 Marlborough Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Workers 46 1552 Nelson Law Practitioners' Employees 29 1573 Nelson Clerical Employees 180 1766 Nelson Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Workers 24 1835 Nelson Public Accountants' Employees 15 1585 Greymouth Law Practitioners' Employees 29 1792 Greymoutb Clerical and Office Staff Employees 180 1139 Canterbury Clerks, Cashiers, and Office Employees 2,893 1594 Canterbury Law Practitioners' Employees 346 1650 Christchurch Accountants' and Sharebrokers' Employees 313 1763 Canterbury Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Workers 345 1512 Dunedin Law Practitioners' Employees 150 1541 Invercargill Clerks and Office Assistants 420 1536 Invercargill Legal Employees 87 1527 Otago Clerical Workers 1,387 1708 Otago and Southland Public Accountants' Employees 98 1758 Otago and Southland Stock and Station Agents' Clerical Workers 284 1826 Otago and Southland Part-time and Full-time Dairy-factory Secretaries 18 CLOTHING-TRADE EMPLOYEES 720 Auckland Cutters, Trimmers, Pressers, and other Clothing Employees 450 73 Auckland Tailoresses and other Female Clothing and Related Trades Employees 5,397 67 Auckland Tailors 65 1915 Wellington and Taranaki Clothing and Related Trades 3,570 1801 Canterbury, Westland, Nelson, and Marlborough Clothing Trades 2,391 1477 Dunedin Fur Trade Employees 179 1958 Otago and Southland Clothing and Related Trades 1,580 COACHWORKERS 1705 Taranaki Coach and Motor-body Workers 20 1972 Wellington and Nelson Coach and Motor-body Workers 450 1752 Westland Coach and Motor-body Builders 21. 263 Canterbury Coach and Motor-body Builders 350 205 Otago and Southland Coachworkers and Wheel-wrights 84 COAL-MINE WORKERS 1282 Northern Coal-mine Workers 1,457 1109 Northern Coal-mines Underground Officials 101 1513 North Auckland Coal-miners 101 1447 Ohura District Coal-miners 90 1703 Nelson Industrial District Coal-mine Workers 6 1344 Buller Underviewers and Deputies.. 45 1348 Grey Valley Deputies and Underviewers 70 1042 Millerton and Granity Brakesmen, Bricklayers, Blacksmiths, Carpenters, and Fitters 22 1753 Runanga State Coal-miners 480 1668 Grey Valley Collieries, Ltd., Employees 217 1679 Seddonville Coal-miners 17 1743 Runanga District Coal-mine Emploj'ees 29 1641 Canterbury Coal-mine Workers 50 829 Otago Coal-miners 272 1290 Ohai District Underviewers, Deputies, and Shot-firers 35 1728 Mataura District Coal-mine Workers 1 20