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From the Rotorua Central area a consignment of 80 Polled Angus and 80 Hereford bullocks created a record draft at an Auckland works by averaging 1,034 lb. and 1,004 lb. respectively, and three drafts totalling 9,000 wethers killed out at over 90 lb. In theTauranga area a total of 8,917 lambs were bred from 8,216 ewes, representing a lambing average of 108 per cent., and of these lambs 90 per cent, had been disposed of at the close of the year. In the Opotiki - East Coast area, special attention has been directed towards improved methods of butterfat-production, and of the dairy bulls in use approximately 80 per cent, are registered sires. This is a feature which is responsible for a noticeable increase in butterfat percentage over the last two years. It is interesting to note that the shearing in the Ruatahuna area was co-operatively done by the Maori settlers themselves, with improved results. The amount of wool produced in the Waiariki District showed a further increase and the accounts of all concerned benefited substantially from the wool realizations .- In accordance with departmental policy, every effort is being made to maintain a high, standard not only to enhance the reputation enjoyed by clips bearing the Department's brands, but to retain the confidence of responsible sections of the trade. Tractors and equipment owned and hired out by the Maori Land Board are of" the greatest assistance to settlers, particularly during harvesting operations. The settlers in the Ruatoki area have purchased a local store and have registered it as a co-operative concern and intend to trade under the name of the Tuhoe Co-operative Society (Ruatoki), Ltd. A bakery under the same management is to commence operating as soon as a qualified baker can be obtained, and it is intended to add a butcher's shop to the group in the near future. Urgent work still requiring to be undertaken in this district includes an extensiveroading programme and measures to control the serious erosion caused by the Whakatane' River. TAIRAWHITI MAORI LAND COURT DISTRICT The Tairawhiti District embraces 94,000 acres, of which 58,000 acres are already under permanent grass, and the Board's activities in this district cover 13 Maori Trust stations and 4 large Maori Land Board stations in addition to the ordinary State schemes. The whole area is predominantly a sheep-raising one and the number of bales of wool produced from State schemes, 1,408, is a record since development commenced. Production by Maori Trust stations (763 bales), Maori Land Board mortgagors (299 bales), and Maori Land Board stations (548 bales) brings the total wool produced in the district to 3,018 bales. Support was accorded the proposed wool sale in Gisborne, but the failure of buyers to attend the December sales in that town meant that the wool had to be transferred to Napier, and the delay in the offering there proved costly to growers, as a decided recession in prices was evident at the Napier sale. As in other districts, endeavours to assist the Aid for Britain Campaign resulted in crops of peas, potatoes, maize, and kumaras being raised and successfully marketed. Butterfat-production has shown a decided improvement over previous years, and had it not been for the prolonged dry spell experienced during the summer and autumn months a very much larger result would have been shown. Despite the conditions, however, it is encouraging to record that one of the settlers, Wetini Tuhoro, of Tikitiki, produced from 40 milking-cows a total of 12,946 lb. of butterfat. This represents an average of 300 lb.of butterfat per cow, and if drought conditions had not been experienced