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A detailed classification of applications dealt with during the year is set out in the table below:—

It will be seen that the value of permits issued for housing and housing additions totalled £23,495,686, this representing 69-7 per cent, of the value of all permits issued. In terms of Building Control districts, the following table sets out the number and value of permits uplifted during the year on which work was commenced:—

Prosecutions for breaches of the Building Emergency Regulations instituted by the Building Controller during the year resulted in 188 convictions. PERMANENT HOUSING The implementation of the Government's policy in giving housing priority over all other classes of building was further examined early in the year for the purpose of making available to housing an even greater portion of the building industry potential. This was necessitated by the exceptionally large number of housing permits issued during the previous year on which work had not commenced at 31st March, 1947, plus the increased monthly demand for permits during the first quarter of 1947-48 and the approved increased programme for State rental houses. It was unmistakably evident


Type of Work. Permits approved. Permits deferred. Number. Value. Number. Value. Engineering 62 £ 297,129 1 £ 24,000 Hospitals 138 559,048 13 91,039 Schools 298 685,350 48 111,017 Other Government 435 1,461,500 37 114,204 Local bodies 322 754,209 42 177,936 Commercial 3,072 1,951,159 1,523 2,486,657 Factories .. .. .. 633 1,133,743 372 1,693,467 State housing .. .. .. 2,993 5,417,090 • • Other Government housing 498 678,601 Rehabilitation housing 350 574,221 Private housing 11,547 16,925,774 678 1,074,178 Housing additions 9,283 1,834,854 669 187,528 Community buildings 546 313,652 252 271,209 Farm buildings 3,455 652,722 80 20,863 Miscellaneous 9,018 553,323 1,839 186,889 Totals 42,650 33,792,375 5,554 6,438,987

District. Private Houses. . State Houses. Other Works. Number. Value. Number. Value. Number. Value. Auckland Hamilton Palmerston North Napier Wellington Christchurch Dunedin 4,039 1,599 1,021 627 1,561 1,771 1,054 £ 5,909,057 2,339,337 1,493,723 917,301 2,283,743 2,590,973 1,542,002 1,128 519 374 209 523 482 256 £ 1,969,893 906,174 653,004 364,914 913,158 841,572 446,976 3,394 2,274 209 585 2,924 3,206 2,943 £ 1,845,952 1,015,532 433,991 339,058 1,186,356 1,891,970 1,070,213 Totals 11,672 17,076,136 3,491 6,095,691 15,535 7,783,072