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The trend that has been noted in previous years' Statements whereby production from underground mines decreased and production from opencast mines increased continued during 1947. Likewise, the decline in the output-per-man figures for underground mines both in the output per man underground and in the output per man on pay-roll was continued during 1947, while the number of men employed both underground and on the surface at underground mines also decreased. As previously pointed out, this is due to more difficult mining conditions, shortage of equipment required to mechanize operations, and the reluctance of men to enter the industry despite the improved conditions now prevailing. As has already been mentioned above, coal-production during the present year has already shown an upward trend, and what is most reassuring is that 80 per cent, of this increase has been due to production from underground mines. It has been most gratifying that this increase has been maintained and increased, if anything, since the introduction of the seven-hour day in underground mines which commenced in April of this year. The provision of hostels in mining centres now being undertaken by the Labour and Employment Department whereby excellent accommodation and living conditions are provided for single men should assist in attracting young men into the industry.


Year. Output. Men employed. Tons per Man employed. 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 .. 1944 1945 .. 1946 1947 .. Opencast Mi 11,431 14,733 15,912 23,389 18,087 16,280 31,979 39,148 41,966 46,632 50,763 54,183 55,774 62,037 196,454 452,680 528,700 644,692 nes 28 39 43 58 57 44 63 55 53 56 36 33 47 46 242 332 425 432 520 378 370 403 317 370 508 712 792 833 1,410 1,642 1,187 1,349 812 1,363 1,244 1,492 1930 1931 1932 1933 .. 1934 .. 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 .. 1946 1947 All Mines 2,542,092 2,157,756 1,842,022 1,821,258 2,060,315 2,115,184 2,140,217 2,277,799 2,222,088 2,342,639 2,516,099 2,639,507 2,680,041 2,787,868 2,805,970 2,833,576 2,793,870 2,751,725 5,867 5,745 4,636 4,386 4,478 4,231 4,257 4,417 4,563 4,762 5,046 4,991 4,997 5,374 5,595 5,592 5,557 5,442 433 376 397 415 460 500 503 516 487 492 499 529 536 519 502 507 503 506