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MILITAKY MAPPING CONFERENCE This Conference was held immediately following the civil Conference and was of two weeks duration. As a result of the deliberations of this Conference, Government has now approved of the setting-up of an organization to deal with the map and chart requirements of the three Armed Services. The policy of this new organization, which is in the process of formation, will be controlled by the Joint Services Mapping Committee, comprising representatives of the three Services, with the Surveyor-General, under the title of Director of Military Mapping, as Chairman. This new organization will be responsible for the preparation and distribution of topographical maps (1 : 25000, 1 : 63360, 1 : 100,000, and smaller scales), aeronautical charts in accordance with 1.C.A.0. (International Civil Aviation Organization) specifications, index and Service maps, and probably at a later date the preparation of nautical charts prepared from data supplied by naval survey ships. To cope with this large programme of work it will be essential to have extended and centralized accommodation and additional staff. The work carried out by this section will be co-ordinated with similar civil survey requirements. Following these Conferences, opportunity was taken of visiting mapping organizations, scientific institutions, and survey-instrument-manufacturing firms in Great Britain, Switzerland, and the United States of America, returning to New Zealand in November. In addition to the personal benefit of added knowledge and personal contacts, the experience gained in this tour of duty will be of value to the Department in the adaptation of modern techniques and methods to survey and mapping practice in New Zealand. I am indebted to my professional colleagues and many others that I met overseas for their courtesy and kindness and their assistance in contributing to make the tour educational and interesting. THANKS I associate myself with my controlling officers in expressing to both field and office staff our appreciation of the loyalty and co-operation of the staff during the year. . Approximate Cost of Paper. —Preparation, not given ; printing (803 copie-s), £36.

By Authority: E. V. Paul, Government Printer, Wellington, —1948„

Price 6d.]