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and the reconditioning of 50 acres of pasture. It is estimated that ex-servicemen will be established on the four sections in 1951. The property is being managed by an ex-serviceman with a promise of an undefined section. Piha Block (Locality: Te Kuiti). —Area, 26 acres. Used mainly as a holding paddock and has been stocked for control purposes. The property was recently disposed of to an ex-serviceman for the purpose of a home and farmlet. Piko Block (Locality: Cambridge). —Area, 104 acres. Acquired, 14th February, 1947. Ex-serviceman was established on Ist July, 1947. Piu Block (Locality: Mapiu). —Balance area, 5,981 acres. A considerable amount of boundary fencing has been rebuilt during the last twelve months, 500 acres has been surface sown, and farm tracks formed. Drought conditions affected stock (with a resultant low percentage of fat beasts). Settlement is not contemplated until pastures as a whole are more permanently established. Punga Punga Block (Locality: Taumarunui). —Area, 617 acres. Acquired, Ist August, 1947. Subdivision, two sheep-farms. Improvements effected and being effected include erection of farm buildings, fencing, and reconditioning of pastures. Sections will be settled on fixed charges during 1948-49 season. The property is at present being managed by an ex-serviceman with the promise of an undefined section. Pururu Block (Locality : Rangitoto). —Balance area, 1,731 acres. The balance of the block, of which a portion will be bush reserve, will be subdivided into three sheepfarms, subject to additional land being acquired, but the actual date of settlement is uncertain. Raetihi Block (Locality : Raetihi). —Balance area, 1,767 acres. The balance of this block has been subdivided into seven sheep-farms and development of these areas is well in hand. It is anticipated that the holdings will be settled by ex-servicemen in 1949. Rangarangai Block (Locality: Taumarunui). —Balance, 774 acres. Four sheep and four dairy sections have been settled to date. Additional land required to make two sheep units from balance. Rumbles' Block (Locality : Pukeatua). —Area, 379 acres. Good progress was made with development work this year and the operations included the erection of cow-shed, internal fencing, installation of water-supply, and sowing down 28 acres in permanent pasture. This is a mixed farm and will be settled by ballot in July, 1948. Tahaia Block (Locality: Otorohanga).—Area, 770 acres. In three sub-blocks. Work undertaken during the year on the 105-acre area (known as Cooper's Sub-block) includes clearing, cultivation, sowing 14 acres in grass, constructing drains, and erecting implement-shed. Additional land is required to make this sub-block economic. The second sub-block contains 556 acres of unimproved land and settlement is indefinite. The remaining property of 109 acres, which has been recently acquired, is also undeveloped, but will eventually make one dairy unit. It is anticipated that this farm will be ready for settlement in 1951. Tapuwae Block (Locality : Poro-o-torao). —Area, 3,328 acres. Development during the past year included maintenance of fences, stumping and levelling 400 acres, and sowing 40 acres in new grass. The stock are in good condition. Owing to a mineral deficiency in the soil, the use of cobalt in manures and stock-licks is essential to maintain the stock in good health. Settlement not possible at present owing to special management problems and isolated nature of locality. Tauhei Block (Locality: Tauhei). —Area, 200 acres. Acquired, June, 1945. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. One section was balloted on a wages basis last year, and as all improvements thereon have been completed will be allotted on fixed charges on Ist July, 1948. Pastures require renewing on the remaining section, the swamp portion of which was badly burnt, and it will be balloted on a wages basis for 1948-49 season.