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building progress was again slow. Development work was confined to the fencing of new subdivisions, installation of water-supplies, and the sowing of lucerne, crops, and new grass. The area of 200 acres on Kopuriki Block which was in swedes the previous year was sown in permanent pasture and a further 450 acres was cultivated and resown. A good season was experienced in the early stages, but a dry summer had an adverse effect on production. Hcimurana (Locality : Rotorua). —Area, 252 acres. Possession dates, September, and October, 1947. Subdivision not finalized. An additional area of 22 acres is being acquired and two dairy units will then be possible. Top pastures on this block had been starved and will require heavy fertilizer applications and good grazing management for restoration. New buildings and the installation of a water-supply necessary before allotment. Hillcrest (Locality : Waikiekie). —Area, 661 acres. Possession date, Ist June, 1944. Subdivision not yet finalized. A further 120 acres was prepared for grass during the year. A dairy herd was milked on shares and the production from a reduced number of cows was very satisfactory. Kaitaia (Locality Kaitaia). —Area, 2,305 acres. Possession, date, 10th April, 1934. Subdivision not finally planned. The results obtained during the year were very satisfactory, despite the fact that a fire which encroached on to the area caused considerable damage to pastures and shelter-belts. A mild winter followed by an early spring ensured an ample supply of feed, and good stocks of hay were procured. Pasture control is becoming difficult, as the peat in this area is still sinking and a large amount of timber is showing through. Kapiro (Locality : Kerikeri). —Area, 60 acres. Possession date, 1938. Proposals are being considered to increase the area of this ironstone belt to approximately 150 acres with a view to establishing an economic dairy unit. In addition to the ordinary topdressing, extra lime was applied during the year, and the area was again grazed with dairy stock. Katikati (Locality: Tauranga). —Area, 473 acres. Possession date, 25th October, 1946. Subdivision not finalized. Approximately 300 acres have been brought in from the rough and sown in grass. Maintenance work, including internal and boundary fences, has been carried out. KerepeeM (Part Pouarua Block). —A start is being made with settlement and two sections of approximately 100 acres each are being prepared. Contracts have been let for the erection of farm buildings. Most of the balance of this block is now in fairly good condition, and with the establishment of better pastures on some areas a further four or five sections will be prepared for settlement. The stocking of this area is done in conjunction with the main block and the stock in general has come through the year well. Losses from all causes have not been high, but a mild outbreak of facial eczema late in the year is causing some concern. Komiri (Locality : Pukekohe). —Area, 167 acres. Possession date, 22nd May, 1947. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. An ex-serviceman manager is employed on this block, with the promise of an undefined section. A complete new set of buildings for one section is required, but difficulty has been experienced in obtaining a contractor. Draining and fencing work and the installation of a water-supply are under way, and it is expected that one herd will be milked on the block during the coming dairy season. Kumi (Locality: Awanui). —Area, 258 acres. Possession date, 30th September, 1946. Subdivision, two dairy-farms. One herd has been milked on this area by an ex-serviceman, and it is expected that his charges will be fixed in July, 1948. Settlement of the other section is dependent on the erection of buildings. This area experienced a good spring and summer growth and a good stock of hay was harvested. The stock is in fine condition and the production returns were satisfactory.