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During the year ended 31st March, 1948, the following areas were purchased or acquired for development and for the settlement of ex-servicemen :

The total area purchased or acquired for development and for the settlement of ex-servicemen up to 31st March, 1948, is—

The number of ex-servicemen who have been established on permanent tenure or oil wages or other similar basis with the promise of permanent tenure upon completion of the development programme and the area involved at 31st March, 1948, is—

These figures do not include ex-servicemen who have been assisted by way of rehabilitation loans to purchase established farms on their own account. During the year, development operations have been hampered by the limited supply of essential materials, particularly fencing-wire, and by the difficulty in getting buildings, especially houses, erected. As sections are made available for settlement by ex-servicemen as soon as the development has been completed, it will be realized that the output of developed farms, and consequently the progress made with the settlement of ex-servicemen, is restricted by the supply difficulties.


Estimated —, — Acres. Number of Units. Purchased by voluntary negotiation 137,758 202 Acquired compulsorily under Part II, Servicemen's Settlement and Land 38,465 106 Sales Act, 1943 Acquired compulsorily under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 25,429 26 Land Sales Act, 1943, and capable of subdivision Acquired compulsorily under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 3,597 27 Land Sales Act, 1943 : Single units Totals 205,249 361

Estimate^ Acres. Number of Units. Purchased by voluntary negotiation 451,391 922 Acquired compulsorily under Part II, Servicemen's Settlement and 75,231 213 Land Sales Act, 1943 Acquired compulsorily under Section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 84,474 195 Land Sales Act, 1943, and capable of subdivision Acquired compulsorily under section 51, Servicemen's Settlement and 29,692 175 Land Sales Act, 1943 : Single units Totals 640,788 1,505

Land District. Area. Number. Land District. Area. Number. North Auckland Auckland Hawke's Bay Gisborne Taranaki Wellington Marlborough Acres. 9,664 49,295 26,893 24,381 9,237 37,409 16,453 59 305 35 77 63 134 31 Nelson Westland Canterbury Otago Southland Acres. 1,169 73,965 37,810 18,202 12 119 54 50 Total 304,478 939